RobStock festival slated for last weekend in March

(Image courtesy RobStock Festival.)
(Image courtesy RobStock Festival.)

The RobStock team have set the date for the 8th annual RobStock Charity Event for the last weekend in March, from Friday, March 27 to Sunday, March 29.

“We are asking artists to give an hour of their time free, all tips going to the charity,” the organizers said in a press release.

The charity supported is Medecins sans Frontiers, also known as Doctors Without Borders.

“This worldwide charity provides medical aid where it is needed most,” the organizers said. “They are independent, neutral and impartial of any government intervention and operate in some of the most inhospitable and hostile parts of the world. ”

The festival will feature 30 live musicians playing over the weekend, and it will be broadcast on Twitch TV and 3RG Radio.

This is the first year that RobStock will be accessible via the hypergrid, since 3rd Rock Grid is now hypergrid-enabled. Teleport to from any other hypergrid-enabled grid or create a new account on 3rd Rock Grid here.


Organizers said that they hope to raise at least $1,000 during this event.

Maria Korolov