This list only includes grids that have published usage data this month. Some grids may have been down for maintenance, relocation, or were shut down since our survey last month. OpenLifeGrid does not consider themselves an OpenSim grid and does not publish usage data. SpotOn3D did not release their statistics this month, and neither did Curiosity Grid.

“Regions change,” “Users change” and “Actives change” refers to how many more regions, registered users, and active users the grid reported compared to the previous month.

Grid Regions Regions Change Total Users Users Change Active within past month Actives Change
3rd Rock Grid 202 2 5740 158 428 46
Adreans-World 44 6
AlphaTowne 344 -7 1731 -32 79 -1176
Andres Seite 11 0
AnSky 80 71 1936 1430 42 -49
Astral Grid 50 -16
AtMeeting Grid 0 0
Avatar Connection 26 0 326 0 0
Avination 629 -40 42628 1155 3412 -358
City Grid 0 0 15 0
Craft World 140 -52 1679 68 190 -19
Created Worlds 6 0
Darkboon 4 0 15 0 1 -1
Destiny Zero 18 6
DigiGrids 7 7 5 2 5 3
Diva’s Office 4 0 7 1 3 1
Dorena’s World 93 3 186 8 27 -5
eceCloud 4 2 582 0 1 1
Enakai 8 -2 14 3 13 9
Enclave Harbour 16 0 6 0 3 0
Flatlandia 33 0 216 0 18 -4
FleepGrid 10 0
FrancoGrid 462 72 3779 57 138 -3
Gay Nations 135 2 513 56 69 16
GerGrid 48 -3 206 3 37 -10
German Grid 77 1 2858 31 292 -43
Grid World 25 -4 72 9 13 6
GridNirvana 264 -20 149 -1 83 -2
Haven 15 -16 99 10 31 -3
Icarus Realms 50 27 14
iLifeGrid 12 2 10 -24 10
Infinite Grid 122 0 246 12 134 -20
InWorldz 844 -2 48765 1533 4500
Island Oasis 43 2 1012 133
Jamland 7 -5 48 0 0 -1
JokaydiaGrid 88 -3 1930 98 62 -96
Kadobikrew 26 0 12 1 20 -5
Kitely 1410 83 1727 99 125 6
Land of Vikings 25 -4 72 13 -13
Logicamp 120 2 216 17 32 -4
Marble Isle 5 0 94 0 3 -1
Medical Grid 8 0 10 0 5 0
Metropolis 652 8 1719 18 158 -30
Moses 158 2 289 6 74 -4
My First Life 12 4
MyOpenGrid 376 14 2506 28 81 -7
New Genres Grid 12 0 147 0 32 -5
New World Grid 695
Nova Grid 66 -80 632 159 184 68
NSL Test Grid 30 0 78 1 0 -2
Oneworld Grid 12 2 47 0 28 -16
Open Neuland 121 52 622 15 36 -6 64 -6 1033 13
Openvue 19 0 44 0 20 -2
OSGrid 10009 955 69778 1241 3510 -1
OSVR 6 0 57 0 0 0
PearGrid 8 0
PMGrid 64 0 115 1
Pseudospace 51 0 298 0 2 -2
RaWHiDe 16 0 11 0 2 1
ReactionGrid 79 4 10148 227 410 -56
S-Grid 40 57
ScienceSim 1914 11 2039 18
SecondLearning 8 1
SimValley 70 21
slitalia 12 -1
Sofitek 2 0
Tertiary Grid 36 4 162 10 24 5
The Other Universe 726 -5 5021 144 252 14
Tlon 10 76 1
TUIS Open Grid 49 183 11
Twisted Sky 69 0 562 18 24 5
UFS Grid 29 0 702 15 15 1
Viradu 12 0
Virtual Highway 48 8 228 55 59 15
Virtual Reality Grid 80 59 1936 524 42 35
Virtual RP 17 0 740 12 32 0
Virtual Worlds Grid 922 0 488 0
VirtualLife 21 -4 268 70 34 -15
Virtyou 130 0 2432 312 194 123
Wilder Westen 32 0 1165 4 13 2
World Galileo 3 0 221 0 0 0
World of Eternit 4 4 24 24 7 7
Your Alternative Life 21 0 3378 78 2617 78
YourSimSpot 50 1 409 53 51 -5

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