At Hypergrid Business, we provide the latest news and information to readers about virtual, augmented, and extended reality, OpenSim, the metaverse, immersive worlds, and other emerging technologies. We also review books, movies, TV shows, video games and other software, as well as VR and AR devices.

Over the past 10 years, more than 3.3 million people have visited Hypergrid Business with more than 8 million pageviews, reading over 3,000 articles by more than 205 different contributors. Over the past three years, typical monthly pageviews have ranged between 20,000 and 450,000 each month. It is ranked as one of the top ten virtual reality blogs by FeedSpot, and one of the top five virtual reality blogs by Techtyche.

If your content is related to virtual and augmented reality or OpenSim and is of high enough interest to our audience that we are likely to assign a staff writer to cover it, please submit a press release.

If you are an aspiring writer looking to build a writing portfolio by contributing content to our site, please follow our guest post submission guidelines.

We also publish a limited number of sponsored posts.

Sponsored Post Guidelines

Sponsored posts are paid articles that meet the standards and guidelines of Hypergrid Business:

  1. All sponsored posts must fit the theme of Hypergrid Business with priority for content related to OpenSim and virtual and augmented reality, as well as artificial intelligence.
  2. Posts should offer value to our readers.
  3. Articles and posts must be high-quality and well-written. All research and third party data need to be accurately cited or referenced.
  4. We reserve the right to remove sponsored content if your product or service violates any copyright, patent, or the integrity of Hypergrid Business.
  5. We reserve the final decision to accept or reject a sponsored post.

Submission Details

Please keep the following in mind when submitting a sponsored post:

  1. FTC regulations require that all sponsored posts indicate they are sponsored. The article will include a subhead stating the sponsorship information.
  2. The article must be a minimum of 300 words.
  3. Written articles must include at least one relevant high-resolution image. The author must own or have copyright permission to use any photos, images, or videos that accompany the article. You must provide proper attribution with your images.
  4. Posts must be submitted in Good Doc or Word format with image files as separate attachments or links.
  5. Posts will be allowed a maximum of three no-follow commercial links and unlimited number of editorial links related to the post’s content and of value to the readers. All links must be agreed upon before publication and links to spam websites are not accepted.
  6. Include an author bio, with a photo as separate attachment or link.
  7. We reserve the right to edit the post for tone, style, grammar, and formatting. You will have the opportunity to review the edited text before publication.

Fact-check guidelines

In addition, we have new fact-checking policies for all stories published in Hypergrid Business.

First of all, every piece of information mentioned in the article should include either a link to the online source, or the name of the person who provided you with that information.

If the source of the information is your own personal experience, you will need to specify what expertise that is.

Second, we will need a list of contact information for each person quoted in their article, including name, title, organization, and email address or phone number. The contact information will not be published, but will be used as part of our fact-checking process. You will need to let your sources know that they may be contacted later by a fact-checker.


The price for a single sponsored post is $250, to be paid in advance.

We also offer custom content written by our staff or regular freelancers, and edited by our editorial team:

  • $250 for a short post, of up to 250 words, based on your press release or announcement, written to AP Style guidelines.
  • $500 for an article of up to 500 words, based on a single interview with your expert or other source, via either phone, video, or email, plus additional research.
  • $1,000 for an article of up to 1,000 words, based on two interviews and additional research.
  • $1,500 for a feature or trend article of 1,500 words or more, based on three or more interviews and additional research.

If you’d like to sponsor a post on Hypergrid Business, contact us via email at Please use the subject line: Hypergrid Business Sponsored Post.

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