This list only includes grids that have published usage data this month. Some grids may have been down for maintenance, relocation, or were shut down since our survey last month. OpenLifeGrid does not consider themselves an OpenSim grid and does not publish usage data.

“Regions change,” “Users change” and “Actives change” refers to how many more regions, registered users, and active users the grid reported compared to the previous month.

Grid Regions Regions Change Total Users Users Change Active within past month Actives Change
3rd Rock Grid 191 8 5037 175 382 -6
AlphaTowne 344 0 1596 47 1190 47
Annuna Grid 41 0 66 0 0
AnSky 9 153 2
AstraGrid 25 0 88 6 1 1
AtMeeting Grid 9 0 0 0
Avatar Connection 21 4 187 85 0
Avatar Realms 9
Avination 868 -86 37136 2462 5956 -199
AVWorlds 13 3 127 48 48 -3
City Grid (Steden Grid) 0 -5 15 0 0 -1
Craft World 185 0 1251 0 266 0
Curiosity Grid 14 -2 102 1 29 -17
DigiGrids 9 0 0 0
Diva’s Office 4 0 6 0 2 -1
Dorena’s World 88 2 144 5 21 -5
eceCloud 2 2 582 582 0 0
Enclave Harbour 16 0 6 0 3 -2
Flatlandia 33 0 187 0 5 -4
FleepGrid 7 0 0 0
FrancoGrid 353 16 3492 47 108 -21
FunGrid 1 -7 0 0
Gay San Francisco 135 8 350 53 102 4
GerGrid 50 0 157 8 37 1
German Grid 79 -1 2639 47 365 0
GovGrid 4 0 24 1 8 7
Grid Nirvana 270 6 131 5 36 -15
Grid World 35 -4 57 6 12 2
Haven 22 8 48 17 29 4
Infinite Grid 97 152 131
InWorldz 842 -133 41547 1547 0
Island Oasis 30 9 699 53 0
Iti Motu Resort 6 0 8 1 19 -1
Jamland 12 0 48 0 1 0
JokaydiaGrid 95 0 1634 88 162 20
Kitely 1050 145 1308 202 162 -28
Littlefield 24 24 0 0
Logicamp 99 2 168 11 26 -16
Metropolis 345 4 1606 41 224 -27
Mino’s Home 9 9 4 4 0
My First Life 9 0 0 0
MyOpenGrid 308 58 2329 2329 128 128
New World Grid 696 5 11914 204 301 -82
New Genres Grid 11 69 26
NorthGrid 0 -34 51 0 0
Nova Grid 97 28 152 -369 158 5
NSL Test Grid 30 0 70 1 2 -1
Oceaux 2 0 170 0 -22
Oneworld Grid 13 -4 33 13 52 33
Open Neuland 67 0 567 0 -43 10 -49 970 13 0
Openvue 19 42 21
OSGrid 7426 755 64658 1231 3316 45
OSVR 6 0 57 0 0 0
Otherland 5 5 0
Phoenix Grid 27 7 1466 54 51 -27
PMGrid 56 0 101 0 0
Pseudospace 53 0 293 2 -12
Rawhide 16 0 10 0 1 0
ReactionGrid 114 -1 9096 160 200 -83
Role Play Worlds 43 -2 0 271 53
Savage Grid 69 0 3 0 2 -4
ScienceSim 1815 5 1839 72 0
SecondLearning 6 0 -63 43 43
SIM World 82 -2 1774 266 373 9
Slackdog Grid 77 0 31 0 0 -3
slitalia 8
Sofitek 6 0 0 0
SpotON3D 199 27 5380 2880 457
Tertiary Grid 29 0 127 3 15 1
The Other Universe 751 501 4403 235 330 74
Tlön 10 0 68 3 2 -1
TUIS 49 0 175 -11 37 2
Twisted Sky 69 0 496 22 28 7
UFS Grid 29 0 662 20 25 0
Unica Universe 17 0 384 7 0 0
Viradu 12 0 2 2 0
Virtual France 16 1 196 6 7 3
Virtual Games 3D 150 1 0 0
Virtual Highway 39 1 116 4 19 -3
Virtual RP 17 -5 695 13 27 -4
Virtual Worlds Grid 891 891 491 491 0
VirtualLife 150 1 1814 95 59 -2
Virtyou 126 2 1932 18 41 -20
Wilder Westen 32 1144 5 15 0
World Galileo 3 0 221 1 0 0
Your Alternative Life 21 1 3112 93 2350 93
YourSimSpot 39 0 215 9 9 -4

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