This list only includes the 198 grids that have published usage data this month. Some grids may have been down for maintenance, relocation, or were shut down since our survey last month. ‘Regions change,’ ‘Users change’ and ‘Actives change’ refers to how many more regions, registered users, and active users the grid reported compared to the previous month. This list includes standalones and mini-grids as well as full grids, as long as members of the public can create accounts or teleport in via the hypergrid.

Grid Regions Regions Change Total Users Users Change Active within past month Actives Change
2Worlds2Go 5 0 5 -1 0 -11
3DLES 11 -4 481 29 30 7
3rd Life Grid 172 30 668 92 271 61
3rd Rock Grid 721 30 12822 88 376 -143
Adreans-World 85 36 439 16 80 -1
Adventure Bay 106 97 12 -1 2 -63
Agent 24 21 3 -8 55 10
AiLand 3 -12 21 0 18 4
AIRE Mille Flux 23 0 196 1 9 -3
Alterworld Grid 5 0 17 5 1 -1
Amber Grove 16 16
Ancient Rome 46 3
Anettes Welt 376 43 392 100
Angel Souls 7 -19 7 0 3 -1
AnSky 12 0 93 3 10 0
Argofantasy 10 1 67 12 98 52
Argune 2 2 5 5 1 1
Astralia 55 1 265 81 163 -13
Athabasca University 1 0 94 0 1 -2
Atlantide 10 -16 14 7 17 6
Atlantis 9 -4 7 4 13 13
Ausgrid 33 9 97 70 131 125
Auth 11 0 10 1 5 5
Avacon 21 0 870 49 100 71
Avatar Sex Grid 21 0 291 8 18 1
AviWorlds 17 -24 25 -309 21 -85
Baller Nation 59 15 1271 73 23 -106
Beta Technologies 32 0 27 0 5 2
Binders World 4 0 5 0 5 0
Blackswan 5 0 25 0 10 -58
Breath 21 21 10 10 215 215
Catsylvania 4 4 4 4 4 4
Chez moi 1 1 5 5 4 4
Chimerus 0 -39 0 -56 0 -134
CHWGrid 14 0 19 2 2 -1
Cloves 8 8 11 11 8 8
Counter Earth 116 43 1173 369 407 137
Craft World 212 12 8516 116 367 -16
CreaNovale Grid 3 0 10 0 94 81
CyberNexus VW Grid 2 0 57 0 1 1
Decadencia 3 3 5 5 197 197
DGridMen 6 1 52 33 13 -26
DigiWorldz 7610 805 8235 724 2171 -258
Discovery Grid 11946 1007 1396 276 1045 -82
Dorena’s World 38 4 609 7 230 58
Dovangel 3 1 17 6 0 0
Dracsoom 10 -1 34 19 38 25
DreamGrid 4 4 5 5 3 3
Dreamlife 75 28 88 45 87 27
DreamNation 323 12 2323 78 464 12
Dreamscape 16 16 23 19 38 33
DreamWorlded 5 0 9 0 3 -8
DWGrid 139 0 7 0 1 1
Dynamic Worldz 68 7 886 158 441 8
EdMondo 201 15 4515 444 184 -209
Encitra Home Grid 296 25 422 38 9 -10
Encore Escape 218 86 907 123 109 -61
Endivatomic World 33 -1 76 2
Eros Resort 112 -82 3923 334 437 -99
EUITOP2 4 0 161 0 1 0
Eureka World 60 -59 10178 2217 1471 279
EVA Park 1 0 103 0 6 3
Exo-Life 18 0 238 1 749 40
FarWorldz 7 0 27 0 14 -2
Fearless Mysteries 9 1 25 2 18 -2
Fish World 13 5 21 1 23 2
Foto50 33 0 372 10 18 -3
Foundation Grid 49 23 204 163 1439 1323
FrancoGrid 211 -5 7380 34 362 -32
Free Life 9 5 9 3 328 323
Freedom Grid 46 -4 628 152 330 -67
Furry World 1156 52 68 35 20 16
Gay Pride 4 4 17 17 26 26
GerGrid 248 8 575 7 15 -6
Gevolution 668 181 421 121 296 -187
Golden Palace Gaming 8 0 176 71 84 0
GreekLife 4120 1240 5591 37 2171 -386
Greenworld 20 0 5 0 2 0
Grid Life 20 1 99 16 205 152
Grid Nirvana 184 49 49 0 6 -1
Guinevere Project 4 0 39 7 13 2
Gyssy 31 0 20 7 14 -2
Hartland 4 3 11 8 14 11
HGLuv 795 164 217 85 -35
Homeland 7 1 21 3 2 2
Icelady Grid 9 0 9 1 65 16
Ignis Fatuus 73 1 71 2 46 -3
Independence 5 1 5 2 2 0
Infinite Grid 98 0 432 3 17 1
Infiniti Grid 62 62 111 111 115 115
Insight Concepts 145 -8 10 1 0 -3
Islands of Enlightenment 12 3 738 -531 6 -284
Islandz 10 10 595 595
Islandz Life 1 1 11 11 7 7
Japan Open Grid 159 -1 598 34 207 18
Jazzn’s DreamWorlds 7 0 3 0 2 0
jOpenSimWorld 33 2 372 -275 18 -1
Joy 1 0 5 -1 7 4
Kalasiddhi Grid 102 15 3 0 348 348
Karmalot -24 14 3 22 8
Keng City Grid 100 100 7 7 171 171
Kinky Grid 239 -228 297 199
Kitely 17724 109 108006 2450 991 -165
KubwasWelt 4 -1 16 13 3 2
Kyle Archipelago 15 0 35 0 2 -1
Lake Kindred Spirit 10 8 4 0 3 1
Land DownUnder 19 19 25 25 101 101
LeBourg 11 0 50 0 0 0
Littlefield 305 7 3107 99 280 -89
Logicamp 211 33 3399 27 269 25
Marauder Grid 5 1 13 -19 15 5
Metaverse Concept 10 -1 267 2 2 -1
Metaworld 1 0 3 0 4 0
Metropolis 4669 76 17981 343 3216 -237
Micache Grid 3 3 5 5 7 7
Mikeland 15 0 9 0 2 -4
MisFitz Grid 82 27 375 117 171 -9
MMDA 2 -3 12 1 6 0
Mobius Grid 52 -91 1952 -155 82 5
Moonlight Grid 78 73 10 -11 6 -4
MyLife 46 46 31 31 16 16
MyOpenGrid 11 0 3594 22 10 5
Naras Nook 48 9 153 15 119 -78
Nemesis 3D 305 0 7 1
Neustadt 5 0 16 6 875 387
Neverworld 215 46 496 101 736 594
New Genres Grid 7 0 369 0 31 9
Next Reality 106 97 12 -1 3 -62
Nextlife World 47 -10 615 48 931 447
Offworld 27 -3 67 -45 274 113
OpenSim UAb 1 0 44 0 6 6
OpenSimulator Community Conference 20 1 2032 20 165 121
Openvue 13 0 30 0 13 -7
OSgrid 19028 -2578 125408 1458 4569 181
Out & Proud Grid 13 -180 4 -139 16 -135
Outworldz Pirateland HG 1 0 3 0 3 2
OzKanga Grid 13 0 15 3 18 -4
Panthera Grid 26 5 102 42 268 123
Party Destination Grid 101 -1 1221 136 669 122
PMGrid 571 0 255 0
Poqpoq 3 0 15 0 2 2
PTDE 1 0 6 0 0 0
Quintonia 4 4 3 3 4 4
Relliketh Grid 78 6 35 0 0 -6
Reserects Worlds 8 0 10 7 -3
Rev World 64 3 2553 219
Rezmela 17 17 34 34 11 11
Sacrarium 39 -35 1398 675 1576 -151
ScienceCircle 4 1 55 6 10 8
Second Chance 19 0 143 -198 17 -145
Servex Grid 535 -3
Silberwelten 26 3 17 1 26 7
SirinHGpole 275 0 128 0 1 0
Six Sides Grid 1 0 3 0 0 0
Skooko 11 2 12 6 2 -3
Skytec Grid 29 0 31 6 39 23
Sniky Grid 60 13 10 2 64 29
Social Mouse 34 8 218 35 201 78
Souls of Vineta 5 1 6 0 11 -9
Speculoos 21 -6 90 1 34 4
Spirit Family 4 4 30 30 51 51
Stonewall 2 2 3 3 0 0
Sunlight 23 4 52 19 88 33
Sunvibes Grid 16 0 16 0 0 0
Survgrid Otago 40 0 33 0 0 0
Tag Grid 115 4
Tangle Grid 166 -154 1077 65 100 -158
TeCoLa 12 4 914 100 81 33
That Place 13 -2 15 7 43 -27
The Haven Grid 30 -1 40 15 239 161
The Lost Castle 2 0 3 0 1 -8
The Public World 66 19 94 49 323 44
The Verse 99 98 91 90 101 101
TheKaz Grid 34 3 158 32 119 12
Tlön 10 0 144 0 0 0
Tranquility 60 12 317 51 481 -89
Trans Sidera 77 36 53 5 21 3
Tropical Isle 1 0 2 -5 9 -11
TUIS Open Grid 6 0 500 0 0 -3
UCI Mondego vLab 3 0 125 0 2 1
Utopia Skye 46 46 112 112 311 311
VartownGrid 30 1 54 7 244 48
Vida Dupla 23 16 729 583 412 352
Virtual Brasil 116 206 18432 1987 540 -137
Virtual Highway 582 -102 7527 42 83 12
Virtual Islands 20 8 32 -2 16 4
Virtual Life Brasil 7 -35 85 51 27 -14
Virtual Life EU 9 0 176 7
VR Playground 24 21 3 -8 55 10
Warrior Virtual Support 4 0 8 0 1 -2
WestWorld Grid 15 1 148 3 24 -9
WestWorld Outworldz 13 1 12 1 8 0
World of Ascension 26 -13 413 105 130 16
Worldz Away 1 -1 5 -4 0 -6
Yaras Welt 1 0 9 0 9 -4
Your Worlds 5 -10
YourSimSpot 79 0 1773 0 0 0
ZetaWorlds 2369 -1353 703 68 1267 642

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