This list only includes the 191 grids that have published usage data this month. Some grids may have been down for maintenance, relocation, or were shut down since our survey last month. ‘Regions change,’ ‘Users change’ and ‘Actives change’ refers to how many more regions, registered users, and active users the grid reported compared to the previous month. This list includes standalones and mini-grids as well as full grids, as long as members of the public can create accounts or teleport in via the hypergrid.

Grid Regions Regions Change Total Users Users Change Active within past month Actives Change
2nd Oakdene 1 0 36 0 0 0
3DLES 14 0 358 2 15 -16
3rd Life Grid 88 22 324 51 294 -1
3rd Rock Grid 344 -41 12019 52 343 -1
5DGrid Quest 25 0
A Virtual World 13 -1 15 0 56 14
Activity Ds 46 3
Adreans-World 18 -25 352 -300 26 -18
Adventure Bay 8 0 7 0 43 19
AiLand 15 0 20 0 17 -12
AIRE Mille Flux 23 0 190 0 12 1
Alife Virtual 586 9
AllCity 298 110 1617 59 1232 77
Alterworld Grid 7 0 11 0 3 -1
Américas Worlds 5 0 22 0 10 -3
Amnesia 1 0 3 0 2 0
Anettes Welt 183 2 344 -51
AnSky 11 0 188 -1 20 15
Anvil1 4 0 31 0 2 1
Astralia 102 -2 844 23
Atek Grid 5057 0 829 3
Atlantis 0 0 4 0 1 -6
AU Metaverse 1 0 133 2 17 -12
Avacon 21 0 570 3 41 -31
Avatar Sex Grid 21 0 265 3 22 5
Baller Nation 74 -158 1004 22 106 53
Beta Technologies 32 0 26 0 2 0
Binders World 4 0 5 0 9 -2
Blackswan 11 6 24 0 21 15
Brillyunt 3 0 3 0 0 0
Counter Earth 13 -1 261 18 148 42
Craft World 219 13 7135 40 1076 -33
CreaNovale Grid 3 -38 8 0 62 -43
CyberNexus VW Grid 4 2 50 3 4 0
DigiGrids 9 0 26 0 0 0
Digital Multiverse 31 0 87 -2 211 54
DigiWorldz 2822 48 3675 114 1618 70
Discovery Grid 148 28 175 11 108 -24
Dorena’s World 106 -1 554 3 233 -7
DreamNation 289 8 1602 31 542 -7
Dreamscape 18 0 81 2 10 -1
Dynamic Worldz 52 14 146 47 297 146
EdMondo 124 -17 1712 73 382 -63
Emilac 63 1 759 61 51 -7
Encitra Home Grid 298 8 304 1 19 3
Encore Escape 189 189 493 493 393 393
Endivatomic World 28 0 41 0
EUITOP 4 0 156 0 4 -11
EUITOP2 4 0 151 0 8 2
Eureka World 60 9 2902 209 672 33
EVA Park 1 0 102 4 16 3
Exo-Life 18 0 221 7 613 17
FarWorldz 7 0 8 0 13 1
Foto50 39 0 601 1 10 -3
FrancoGrid 240 -1 6907 17 365 -43
FreeLand 1 -8 94 36
Genesis Global Journey 27 0 3237 1412 98 50
Genesis MetaVerse 888 131 421 45 544 182
GerGrid 208 -1 493 1 15 -1
Great Canadian Grid 664 8 5184 75 1057 7
Greater Ireland Grid 99 0 60 2 30 -3
GreekLife Grid Club 593 40 3382 40 138 56
Grid Nirvana 134 0 45 0 5 -2
Grille EVER 35 0 921 22 40 -67
Hakusan 10 0 14 0 3 -2
Haven 16 0 47 1
HD Skin World 14 2 18 4 20 -2
Homeland 6 0 18 0 1 -9
Hypergrid Life 10 0 19 0 81 4
Hyperica 7 0 13 0 133 3
Ignis Fatuus 59 1 58 0 66 -11
Immersive Reality 10 0 26 2 14 2
Infinite Grid 100 0 419 0 22 3
Insight Concepts 250 9 7 0 2 1
InWorldz 1352 -110 161518 2412 6098 151
Island Oasis 213 0 14485 256 1392 -84
Islands of Enlightenment 9 0 2513 10 134 13
Iti Motu Resort 9 0 8 0 15 3
JadeyLand 1 0 3 0 3 2
JamGrid 15 0 69 0 0 0
Japan Open Grid 164 9 441 4 194 17
JokaydiaGrid 26 0
jOpenSimWorld 39 0 601 1 10 -3
Justice Grid 13 0 32 0 5 2
Kalasiddhi Grid 85 12 8 0 61 -2
Karmalot 41 0 100 1 10 -2
Kaz Grid 9 0 31 31
Kitely 14433 330 76291 2054 1314 -86
KiWo Grid 12 1 9 0 40 6
Kroatan Grid 9 -5 3 0 241 34
KRRRL 1 0 3 0 1 0
KTU Uzem 45 0 48 0 2 0
KubwasWelt 0 -2 1 0 1 0
Kyle Archipelago 15 0 32 0 9 -2
LeBourg 11 0 49 0 0 -1
Lighthouse Point 14 0 2 0 18 -44
Littlefield 272 8 2619 19 308 76
Logicamp 163 3 3002 -5 143 -1
Lost Paradise 4073 -2 1623 32 1141 17
Lost World 920 0 40 2 105 -50
Lummerland 5 0 15 0 7 -8
Metaverse Concept 19 0 253 0 6 -18
Metropolis 5844 107 14766 243 3666 229
METU OGEB 2 0 26 0
Mobius Grid 107 2 1456 26 106 26
Moonglow 38 4 34 4 44 16
Moonlight Grid 48 3 13 1 10 2
My Educational Community 4 0 21 0
My First Life 12 0
My Virtual Community 15 0 1315 44 -60
MyOpenGrid 10 0 3477 5 10 -1
Naras Nook 32 3 94 4 227 18
Nemesis 3D 305 176 4 0
NeoGrid 13 0 55 0 36 7
Neuland 37 0 2062 0 0 0
Neverworld 269 9 107 7 133 -8
New Genres Grid 7 0 362 0 36 -5
New Zealand Virtual World Grid – Auckland 3 0 63 0 0 0
New Zealand Virtual World Grid – Otago 37 0 43 0 0 0
Next Dimension Tales 8 3 30 0 4 -2
Nextlife World 61 12 343 15 267 58
NexxtLife 15 -1 445 5 2 -1
Ocean Grid 5 0 18 0 0 -5
Offworld 25 0 73 43 100 -43
Open Dream 4 0 4 0 3 0
Open Island 1 0 2 -1 4 2
Open Virtual Worlds 320 0 4544 30
OpenSim Life 412 412 16 16 4 4
OpenSim UAb 1 0 42 0 1 1
OpenSimulator Community Conference 19 0 1927 0 107 -483
Openvue 14 0 29 0 17 -12
OSgrid 20467 1323 114272 514 3878 147
Our Own Designs 42 0 59 1 4 0
OwiGrid 3 0 7 1 1 0
Pathlandia 1 0 2 0 20 -24
PMGrid 96 -96 216 3
Poqpoq 3 0 15 0 1 0
PTDE 1 0 9 0 0 -6
Radiola 4 0 11 0 9 -6
REDgrid 13 0 179 0 5 -2
Refuge Grid 59 0 22 0 257 10
Regno Di Camlaan 4 -2 36 0 37 -27
Relliketh Grid 81 0 34 0 8 4
Revenge of Blood 56 0 1474 31
Rissland 58 0 26 0 2 -8
Sanctuary 51 0 63 0 126 -42
Second Chance 29 0 461 2 60 -92
Second World 32 0 153 11 139 -23
Sector 17 1 0 1 0 2 0
Simugrid 26 0 52 0 0 0
Sinful Grid 478 3 103 4 524 84
SirinHGpole 238 32 123 13 5 4
Smxy 1 0 6 0 7 3
Spellscape 89 4 164 4 77 3
SUT 3D 9 0 130 2 0 0
Tangle Grid 305 4 808 3 146 -20
TCU 1 0 6 0 6 1
TeCoLa 14 0 700 0 6 -11
Terra Virtua 7 0 6 0 1 1
The Adult Grid 89 -44 14299 403  323 1
The Lost Castle 2 0 3 0 21 8
The Public World 35 2 41 5 308 24
TheGrid 2 0 10 0 5 1
Tlön 10 0 144 0 0 0
ToPi`s World 0 -13 16 0 9 -6
ToPi`s World 0 0 16 0 7 -2
Trans Sidera 79 -3 23 1 11 1
Tropic Terrace V 1 0 5 0 8 -2
TUIS Open Grid 6 0 384 0 2 2
UCI Mondego vLab 3 0 124 0 4 -4
UFSGrid 19 0 1758 5 11 3
Unreal 1 1 2 2 2 2
V-ALERT Mainland 1 0 295 1 1 -2
Virtual ABDL Grid 3 0 282 28 193 32
Virtual Brasil 125 -9 8337 943 174 37
Virtual Builders 4 0 9 -9 5 -4
Virtual Highway 766 0 6822 97 171 -40
Virtual Life Brasil 295 0 1873 17 218 -12
Virtual Life EU 27 -1 163 3 81 -27
Virtual Worlds Grid 1015 -51 1777 7
Virtual-EPI 18 0 222 8 614 18
vmetu 20 0 177 0
WestWorld 8 4 126 121 27 21
WestWorld Grid 8 1 126 3 26 7
Xmir 37 0 21 0 15 -11
Xntra City 3 0 33 0 1 0
Yaras Welt 1 0 9 0 18 2
YourSimSpot 79 0 1773 0 0 0
YrGrid 217 0 4241 78 607 72
ZanGrid 225 5 1553 18 293 -25
ZetaWorlds 203 32 525 4 57 -2

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