This list only includes the 216 grids that have published usage data this month. Some grids may have been down for maintenance, relocation, or were shut down since our survey last month. ‘Regions change,’ ‘Users change’ and ‘Actives change’ refers to how many more regions, registered users, and active users the grid reported compared to the previous month. This list includes standalones and mini-grids as well as full grids, as long as members of the public can create accounts or teleport in via the hypergrid.

Grid Regions Regions Change Total Users Users Change Active within past month Actives Change
3dcolabStandAlone 4 0 50 0 9 0
3DGrid 17 1
3DLES 14 3 369 3
3rd Life Grid 209 29 376 12 24 10
3rd Rock Grid 309 4 9115 114 403 27
A Virtual World 131 0
Adreans-World 149 -1 268 1 20 -19
AIRE Mille Flux 14 0 133 3 16 3
Anettes Welt 126 0
AngelFire Grid 10 1 7 1 5 2
ANSAS 51 2 1267 139 190 32
AnSky 9 0 103 6 18 5
araland 4 0 5 0 1 0
Ardalia 4 4 12 12 16 16
Atcradar 62 0
Athabasca University 16 0 25 10 10 6
Avalonia Estate 23 3 94 33 45 -43
Avatar Classroom 4 0 6 0 0 0
Avatar Sex Grid 21 0 41 14 15 8
Avination 646 -2 64978 883 1829 8
AviWorlds 279 122 1293 296 347 -53
AweSim Worlds 9 7 167 0 120 -40
Aycerus 2 0
B-ATM 4 4 59 59 50 50
Bess Research 7 0 39 20 3 0
Beta Technologies 30 -4 26 0 19 9
BIOME4KIDS 7 0 18 0 2 -1
Black Africa 4 0 1 0 5 3
Blackswan 25 8 42 1 23 8
Brasil Tropical 16 16 25 1 38 -4
Brillyunt 9 0 15 0 2 -12
Bubblesz 4 1 13 0 31 1
Canaria 0 -4 2 -1 6 -7
CINECA GRID 2 0 334 0 17 -1
Classified Diabolic 6 0 0 0
CloneLife 20 -3
Concadia 11 0 30 1 7 4
Confederatio 4 0 6 1 1 -2
Contepomi 13 0 38 -2 28 0
Craft World 136 3 3707 88 496 -55
CrimsonSpider 2 0 3 0 0 0
Cuddles’ World 21 0
DigiGrids 9 0 19 3 7 5
Diva’s Office 4 0 2 0 1 -6
Dorena’s World 138 1 335 2 87 58
DreamNation 86 1 451 18 147 23
Dune 4 0 29 0 3 0
DWGrid 12 0 6 0 20 16
Easylan Education 4 0 7 1 3 1
EduGrid NL 46 0 138 16
Evans Virtual World 15 15 6 6
Evermore 2 0 8 0 6 2
FarWorldz 1 -8 3 -12 2 -8
Fine Grid 1 1 4 4
Flatlandia 11 -9
FleaGrid 9 0 24 0 2 -2
Four Ages 60 0 15 1 4 2
FrancoGrid 225 33 5249 80 185 39
Gangster Wars 45 45 2 2 2 2
GerGrid 83 0 360 2 19 -2
German Grid 73 -1 3627 23 269 6
Gimisa 7 -1 6 -1 4 -15
Gorgeys Grid 13 13 1 1 1 1
Greekifour 49 0 93 6 60 -16
GreTICEland 9 0 -40 -30
Grid Nirvana 221 0 166 0 14 -11
Haven 25 -3 23 -13
Heavens Gates 22 17
HewittSim 3 1 157 1 23 1
HunterOne 15 -1 17 5 7 4
Hyperica 11 0
Ignis Fatuus 35 2 19 0 68 -15
Infinite Grid 105 0 389 5 41 -3
Ingen-Lab 128 0 4 0 3 0
InWorldz 1318 36 89203 3231 8229 1028
Island Oasis 212 8 5622 125 927 -150
Islands of Enlightenment 16 0 261 251 73 66
iSynergy3D 83 0
Iti Motu Resort 7 0 8 0 43 -2
JamGrid 15 0 58 0 1 -1
JanesPlace 20 16 5 0 1 -2
JCU Virtual World 5 0 10 0 0 -1
Jilmer Estates 8 0 6 6 17 17
jOpenSimWorld 24 0 21 -13
Kadobikrew 72 0 9 0 11 -5
Karmalot 17 5 29 1 36 -9
Kitely 4993 263 15858 1134 716 110
KTU Uzem 25 0 58 1 2 -8
KUNDGRID 10 0 9 0 1 -2
Kyle Archipelago 11 0 18 2 20 -2
Langalf’s Demesne 6 0 3 0 2 -1
LeBourg 11 0 37 2 6 2
LifeStyle 3D 11 -3 31 -8
Littlefield 169 16 730 79 326 14
Logicamp 193 41 1828 96 247 1
Lost Paradise 357 -4 359 6 51 -1
Lummerland 5 0 14 0 18 1
Mac 8 8 2 2 2 2
Majickal Life 11 11 4 4 5 5
Majickal Network 8 0 2 0 7 -1
Metaverse Concept 15 3
Metropolis 3530 199 4884 202 1253 73
Miguelinux 4 4 8 8 6 6
MintaKa 44 0 175 117
Montefiorino 4 0 10 0 6 5
Moreno 4 0 16 0 5 0
Morpheusgrid 10 0
Multiverse 18 0 10 0 3 0
My First Life 13 0
MyOpenGrid 7 -6 3135 18 73 9
Naras Nook 2 -14 27 5 44 21
Nemesis 3D 64 0 11 1
Neuland 90 0 1956 2 30 0
NeuWald 10 10 18 18 6 6
New Genres Grid 11 0 294 1 5 0
New Zealand Virtual World Grid – Auckland 17 -14 62 -419
New Zealand Virtual World Grid – Otago 17 0 62 0
Nilsen 4 0 6 0 3 -4
Noon Universe 4 0 2 0 7 1
Ocean Grid 4 -2 18 0 4 -1
Olantica 35 2 594 4 24 -30
Open Dream 4 0 4 0 3 0
Open Island 4 4 4 4 3 3
Open Island -4 -4 -3
Open Virtual Worlds 213 17 2337 227
OpenSim Creations 8 0 14 0 11 -5
OpenSim Fuchs 7 0 24 0 4 0 122 0 1285 0
OpenSimulator Community Conference 2013 27 0 721 0 40 -62
Openvue 16 0 27 0 32 -5
OSGrid 11707 230 94299 819 3371 -98
Our Own Designs 2 -2 9 0 1 0
Ourworldonline 9 0 4 0 24 2
Pathlandia 4 0 4 0 59 -36
Pegasus 7 1 10 3 8 4
PLANE 7 0 2081 18 6 -11
Planet Einstein 4 4 14 14 5 5
PMGrid 96 0 152 0
RandomWorld 4 0 5 0 1 0
RaWHiDe 13 0 11 0 8 -7
Real Country 85 0 12 6 12 7
Realms in Time 36 0
Rutgers University Virtual Worlds 17 0 344 18 29 6
S-Grid 46 0 114 1
SA Project 4 0 85 0 3 2
Sanctuary 22 0 17 0 115 -5
Scare Virtual Training Center 4 0 47 0 5 -8
ScienceCircle 4 1 14 3 12 -3
ScienceSim 1163 3 6256 1
SecondLearning 17 1
Siberspace 51 -1 5 2
SimudyneGrid 179 1 24 0 7 0
Simugrid 24 2 76 6 22 -6
SimValley 202 0 392 0
SkyLine Grid 8 0 79 -1 12 10
Speculoos 20 0 80 1 42 7
Spellscape 13 -1 52 2 15 -3
Sub Oceania 19 0
Superborea 16 0 3 -1 3 1
SUT 3D 9 0 30 3 1 -3
Tangle Grid 38 15 122 27 52 -1
Techland 2 -17
Tertiary Grid 41 0 307 2 10 -3
The Hidden Continent of Chaxez 6 6 8 8 10 10
The Lost Castle 29 0 4 0 4 0
The Microverse Grid 15 0 53 0 2 0
The Verse 1 0 1 0 0 0
The World of Begabungs 21 0 17 0 0 0
ThoMaxGrid 9 0 23 0 3 1
Titusville 2 0 3 1 7 5
Tlön 10 0 113 3 3 3
Traveler1 1 0 11 9 23 -1
Tropical Paradise 8 0 355 60 59 -7
Troppo Club 9 0 5 1 3 2
Troppo Club 9 0 4 -1 3 0
TUIS Open Grid 42 -25 280 10 53 9
Tundra 27 -8
UCI Mondego vLab 5 0 78 0 4 -12
UFGQ Grid 40 40 45 45
UFSGrid 42 12 1126 18 47 11
UniSA OpenSim 5 0 110 0 4 -3
University of Cincinnati OpenSim Virtual Campus Grid 6 4 164 2 21 4
University of the Aegean 4 0 117 10 30 9
VayaV 4 0 5 0 0
vCaltech 7 0 19 0 9 0
VIBE: BIOME 6 0 163 -1 65 -19
VIBE: Genome Island 6 1 5 0 51 44
VIBE: Global Health 5 0 98 15 40 32
VIBE: Nova Archeology 6 0 2 1 13 7
VIBE: Repository of Knowledge 1 0 3 0 13 5
VIBE: Showcase 6 6 3 3 24 24
VIBE: Tooth Fairy 2 0 2 0 1 0
VIBE: Virtual Islands for Biology Education 3 -1 184 8 89 -38
Virtual Builders 8 0 3 0 3 0
Virtual Club 20 20 1 1 1 1
Virtual Clubbing Life 1 0 4 0 0 0
Virtual France 11 0 67 1 4 1
Virtual Harmony 8 0 154 0 3 -13
Virtual Highway 252 3 1799 156 271 39
Virtual Life 49 42
Virtual Photography Gallery 4 0
Virtual Realms Grid 10 -7
Virtual RP 16 0 875 6 15 2
Virtual Worlds Grid 1175 6 1010 18 39 7
vmetu 12 0 89 63
VRealm 4 0 11 8 10 8
W3DC-World 4 0 6 0 5 0
World4Us 39 0 44 4 14 -8
Worlds End 23 0
Yaps 13 0
Youngland 4 0 2 0 1 -1
Your Alternative Life 10 0 -4318
YourSimSpot 78 0 1528 49 49 4
Zandramas 158 10 104 4
ZetaWorlds 14 12 38 36

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