This list only includes the 185 grids that have published usage data this month. Some grids may have been down for maintenance, relocation, or were shut down since our survey last month. ‘Regions change,’ ‘Users change’ and ‘Actives change’ refers to how many more regions, registered users, and active users the grid reported compared to the previous month. This list includes standalones and mini-grids as well as full grids, as long as members of the public can create accounts or teleport in via the hypergrid.

Grid Regions Regions Change Total Users Users Change Active within past month Actives Change
3dcolabStandAlone 4 -1 7 -23 9 -25
3DLES 11 -3 516 33
3rd Experimental Primary School of Evosmos 4 0 22 1 2 1
3rd Rock Grid 443 11 10161 106 470 39
5DGrid Quest 25 0
A Virtual World 36 -38
Adreans-World 154 2 356 3 55 -13
Adrianopolis 1 0 13 0 3 -4
Aheilos 167 1 35 1
AiLand 16 0 16 0 11 -13
AIRE Mille Flux 22 0 174 1 43 16
Allegro 8 0
Alluris Estates 11 0 8 0 10 2
Alternate Open Worlds 33 33 6 6
Anettes Welt 146 8 99 99
AnjWorld 10 10 7 7 12 12
AnSky 11 11 148 148 17 17
Ardalia 4 0 20 0 7 -11
Aries 17 1 100 6 24 3
Astraliacraft 45 -1
Atek Grid 19 19 18 18 18 18
Athabasca University 1 0 52 2 1 -1
Avacon 15 0 115 15 118 78
Avares 179 0
Avatar Sex Grid 21 0 116 9 28 -1
Avatopia 41 -4 57 4 14 -18
Avination 677 -7 74596 912 2143 -39
AviWorlds 352 269 434 183 276 94
AweSim Worlds 8 -2 169 1 27 12
Bearly a Grid 4 -1 6 0 3 -4
Beta Technologies 32 -3 26 0 8 4
Blackswan 14 3 50 0 16 -2
Calbertville 22 -20 15 2 4 -4
CINECA GRID 2 0 334 0 19 2
CloneLife 31 1
Contepomi 1 0 39 0 29 -1
Craft World 161 19 4873 93 706 70
Crystal’s World 32 4 4 0 6 0
DigiGrids 9 0 26 0 1 0
Dorena’s World 126 1 395 10 209 63
DreamNation 97 6 730 44 214 42
Dune 4 0 92 12 14 7
DWGrid 119 0 7 0 19 -17
Edenly 1 1
EdMondo 102 21 1779 15 202 12
Empyrean 5 5 7 7
Encitra Home Grid 86 8 111 1 15 2
Endivatomic World 12 0
EUITOP 4 0 123 1 10 7
Excelsior Station 1024 0 12 5 10 5
Exo-Life 10 0 31 4 55 15
FarWorldz 3 0 11 0 6 4
FleepGrid 11 -1 210 0
FNV 5 0 2 0 0 0
FrancoGrid 306 78 5843 55 405 82
FreeLand 9 0 35 0
GerGrid 96 0 406 2 24 3
German Grid 64 5 3790 8 198 1
Great Canadian Grid 51 11 323 60 220 -43
Grid Nirvana 139 -83 172 0 14 -1
Grille EVER 63 -3 244 17 98 57
Heavens Gates 3 -2 3 0
Home of Xerdar 1 0 4 0 3 0
Hyperica 6 0 9 0 205 53
Ignis Fatuus 47 0 14 1 77 20
Infinite Grid 104 -1 400 1 14 -1
Ingen-Lab 1 -1 8 0 28 6
InWorldz 1328 -13 113390 2098 7693 -607
Ipsofacto 6 0 9 3 33 -1
Island Oasis 208 3 8275 206 1001 -8
Islands of Enlightenment 24 0 1573 148 493 243
Ital Vybez 16 0 14 0 -12
Iti Motu Resort 9 0 8 0 24 -4
JamGrid 15 0 63 1 2 1
Japan Open Grid 98 10 111 4 95 14
Jnix World 1 0 2 0 4 2
jOpenSimWorld 39 0 433 31 29 17
Karmalot 33 0 72 2 18 -2
Kitely 6335 68 28125 1165 964 33
Kotori 1 1 2 2 2 2
KTU Uzem 45 0 48 0 3 0
Kyle Archipelago 10 -1 25 1 16 2
Langalf’s Demesne 1 0 3 0 1 -1
LeBourg 11 0 44 2 4 0
LifeStyle 3D 18 0 33 -27
Littlebird Grid 30 9 92 49
Littlefield 218 1 1591 68 379 53
Logicamp 173 0 2588 65 210 -1
Lost Paradise 1925 30 494 6 381 14
Lost World 253 0 68 40 182 30
Lummerland 5 0 14 0 16 -23
Majickal Life 12 1 4 2 14 2
Majickal Network 1 1 3 3 0 0
Mataverse Akademi 8 0 44 0
Mega 9 0 5 0 2 0
MetaCosmo 41 -1
Metaverse 8 0 44 0
Metaverse Concept 12 12 219 219 8 -2
Metropolis 5355 -92 8026 450 3171 63
MintaKa 56 1 34 -10
My First Life 10 0
MyOpenGrid 25 0 3306 0 -19
Naras Nook 20 0 87 9 148 76
4 0 2 0 19 -9
Nemesis 3D 113 0 4 1
NeoGrid 7 0 49 0 10 -9
Neuland 90 0 2031 13 47 13
New Genres Grid 10 0 318 5 67 20
New Zealand Virtual World Grid – Auckland 19 0 62 0
New Zealand Virtual World Grid – Otago 19 0 62 0
NewWorld 11 0 10 0 13 -2
Ocean Grid 5 0 18 1 1 -2
Olimar 5 0 2 0 3 2
Open Dream 4 0 4 0 3 0
Open Virtual Worlds 318 1 3962 35 122 0 1285 0
OpenSimulator Community Conference 2013 31 -2 1639 647 1529 843
Openvue 16 0 27 0 35 7
OSgrid 8295 -76 101758 252 0 0
Pathlandia 4 0 2 0 45 -7
Pillars of Mist 2 0 20 0 2 0
Pirates Atoll 1 0 6 2 107 102
Pixel Planet 2 2 2 2 2 2
PLANE 7 0 2216 2
Pleasure Island 250 250 36 36 2 2
PMGrid 93 -3 179 2
Pomroys World 4 4 9 9
PTDE 1 0 10 2 3 2
R.World 39 -32 20 -17
Radioactive Grid 9 2 14 3 30 -15
RaWHiDe 17 0
Realms in Time 35 0
REDgrid 9 0 40 0 1 0
Refuge Grid 24 24 15 15 44 44
Revenge of Blood 19 0
Rissland 41 0 36 2 16 8
Rutgers University Virtual Worlds 25 0 52 5 13 -14
SA Project 4 0 89 0 5 2
Sanctuary 48 0 39 0 136 -23
Scare Virtual Training Center 4 0 88 0 1 -13
ScienceCircle 2 -1 35 1 101 11
SecondLearning 4 -10
Secrets of Nuub 11 0 2 0 1 0
SimB2B 1 -1 27 -44 18 -19
SimudyneGrid 149 0 30 0 5 1
Simugrid 26 0 172 1 8 -1
SimValley 1087 0
SirinHGpole 96 96 28 28 53 53
SkyLife 28 -17 198 13 28 -8
SLFDGrid 137 80 49 0 9 -21
Smxy 1 0 3 0 1 0
Spellscape 56 12 105 5 122 47
Sub Oceania 20 0
Sunlight Grid 44 -12 172 172
SUT 3D 9 0 71 3 0 0
Tangle Grid 101 2 398 29 132 100
TCU 4 0 106 0 2 -1
Tertiary Grid 40 0 319 1 7 4
The Adult Grid 67 2 2860 412
The Gyre 4 0 3 0 4 3
The Lost Castle 2 0 3 0 5 0
ThoMaxGrid 9 0 32 5 10 8
Tlön 10 0 134 2 1 1
Troppo Club 1 0 3 0 4 0
TUIS Open Grid 10 -4 227 2 29 -3
UCI Mondego vLab 3 0 104 1 6 4
UFGQ Grid 40 0 40 -4
UFSGrid 46 0 1291 12 21 4
UniSA OpenSim 5 0 113 -2 2 2
University of Cincinnati OpenSim Virtual Campus Grid 1 0 225 5 24 -8
vCaltech 7 0 25 0 11 -4
Virtual Builders 5 0 18 0 2 -5
Virtual Gay Kingdom 127 0 125 0 119 0
Virtual Highway 439 15 3034 165 207 -41
Virtual Life 48 0 1410 221 153 -25
Virtual Live Brazil 6 0 8 1 7 0
Virtual Photography Gallery 4 0 147 0 14 -9
Virtual World City 3 0
Virtual Worlds Grid 19848 97 1441 49 107 71
vmetu 15 0 111 0
Xmir 35 5 2 2 69 69
Yaps 13 0
YourSimSpot 79 0 1773 0 0 -9
Zandramas 204 -8 613 -22 156 -29
ZetaWorlds 273 47 269 19 91 -34

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