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  1. da.tonyhayward@gmail.com'

    Great Article Maria and thanks for mentioning AviWorlds. 1 thing though is AviWorlds now has a core of english speaking residents not only Brazillian.
    The Chicken and the egg comment is so true it is something we are working on as well.Our focus now especially on the DOR regions is to provide a world where every nationality is welcome, with the translation tools language this is no longer a barrier.
    Most of the DOR members in AviWorlds and I’m sure in other grids is the most attractive feature is to be able to create and do so without the great expense found in Second life.
    once again great article.

  2. fonsecaloffpt@yahoo.com'

    Wait for Loff Virtual Worlds to officially open and than watch it grow – Revolutionary Features ans community strategies – 100% free – Dontaions only

  3. netinterprizes@yahoo.com'

    Yes actually AviWorlds now has more land owned by an english speaker than brazilian. There are about 10 new brazilian grids now and they all are immitating AviWorlds and are taking brazilians from us. They are doing exactly what this article is teaching. These grids are brazilian only and even their website is exclusively in portuguese only making it difficult for english speakers.
    AviWorlds was always multilinqual and I remember inviting only 2 brazilians and they all came. LOL…
    Anyway AviWorlds is based in NY, USA. It is an english lanquage based grid. Always has been and it always will be. We do welcome all nationalities just like in SL.

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