How to tell if a region is up

I frequently want to know if some far-away region is up or not.  Say, for example,  I have a blamgate up to my favorite shopping mall. I want the gate to be nice and bright when the destination region is up, and go dark if the destination region is down.

On the Hyperica website, I want to be able to indicate what percentage of the time the region has been up over the past couple of weeks, or remove the region from the directory completely if it hasn’t been active in a while.

I thought this was impossible until this functionality was added into OpenSim, but apparently I was wrong.

Thanks to OpenSim core development Justin Clark-Casey for cluing me in!

There are two key commands to be aware of:

StatusQuery = llRequestSimulatorData(region, DATA_SIM_STATUS);


dataserver(key queryId, string data);

In the first line, region is a string variable holding the hypergrid address of the region you’re interested in. If you’re on the same grid as that region, you can just put the region name here.

Download the full script here: regionupscript

I can see this as being particularly useful if, say, your friend has a home-based region that isn’t up all the time. You’d be able to see at a glance if they were up or not.

Once I have inter-gate communications working, I’ll be incorporating this function into a script for 4096-free hypergates. The gate would light up when the destination is active. And when you walk through it, it would either send you straight to your destination, if it was close enough, or to a Hyperica-based transit point that would automatically forward you to your destination.

As always, this script is CC-licensed for you to use in any way you like, with no restrictions.

Maria Korolov