Rock simulator hits funding goal in one day

If there’s anyone out there who can’t get crowd funding for their virtual world project, you no longer have any excuses.

A rock simulator just got funded.

Rock Simulator
A rock. Simulated.

Okay, it wasn’t much — its goal was $500 on IndieGoGo. But there’s still 28 days left to go in its fundraising campaign, so who knows how far they’ll eventually get.

This is a simulation of a rock. Judging by the video — not safe for work, by the way, due to the music lyrics — the rock just sits there. And, also, rolls down a hill.

Backers get thank-you notes and rocks. Actual rocks. In the mail.

Watch the promo video below, when you’re not at work, or at work with the sound turned down. Then think about what project you’d do if you had funding.

Maria Korolov