InWorlds reveals community support efforts

InWorldz also has the cool InShape mobile app, which bridges virtual and real exercise. (Image courtesy InWorldz.)
InWorldz also has the cool InShape mobile app, which bridges virtual and real exercise. (Image courtesy InWorldz.)

Some OpenSim users have complained that closed grids — especially InWorlds, the largest closed grid of them all — do not contribute enough back to the community.

Today, InWorldz co-founder and CTO David Daeschler made a strong case that InWorldz does much more than market OpenSim effectively to newcomers.

(Though that, in and of itself, is a valuable service.)

In particular, over the past 12 months alone the grid has:

  • reported bugs and donated bug fixes
  • donated code that allows OpenSim to manage extremely large inventories by using the Cassandra “big data” platform
  • made a $500 donation to help OSgrid recover and offered them a free and reliable asset database solution
  • helped the military’s MOSES grid bring the PhysX physics engine to OpenSim

“We have actively worked in the background trying to help the entire metaverse in many different ways,” Daeschler wrote today. The full post is here and is entirely worth reading.

Maria Korolov