Where to get cheap regions now

Since last September, the lowest-price regions in the metaverse were on the Great Canadian Grid. But their $5 region pricing is coming to an end.

You can still get a 15,000-prim region, with no limit on visitors, for just CAD $5 — that’s around $4 in US dollars — but only through the end of the month.

(Image courtesy The Great Canadian Grid.)
(Image courtesy The Great Canadian Grid.)

But when one door closes, another door opens. Or, in this case, two doors.

SkyLife grid has just announced that they will be offering 15,000-prim regions for just $3 a month.

And, at the same time, Virtual Life announced 15,000-prim regions for $5 a month.

Both grids are about 60 regions in size.

SkyLife grid is on the hypergrid, allows residents to shop on the Kitely Market, and is $2 a month cheaper.

Virtual Life grid boasts working BulletSim vehicles. (Image courtesy Virtual Life.)
Virtual Life grid boasts working BulletSim vehicles. (Image courtesy Virtual Life.)

But Virtual Life grid has 20 times more active users, working BulletSim vehicles, and is a closed grid so more protection for content creators but no hypergrid travel and — for now — no shopping on the Kitely Market.

Jake Hunter
Jake Hunter

“Content creators feel more safe because it is a closed grid,” said Jake Hunter, co-founder and head of marketing for the grid. “I know I feel better, and I know many others that are in a lot of other grids who have started pulling out of hypergrid because they don’t want other people taking their content.”

In addition, residents benefit from having multiple creators offering their products inside Virtual Life, he told Hypergrid Business.

On the other hand, while SkyLife grid only has five active monthly users as of this writing, by having hypergrid enabled, residents can interact with the wider hypergrid community, which has 17,000 active users.

Shopping on Virtual Life grid. (Image courtesy Virtual Life.)
Shopping on Virtual Life grid. (Image courtesy Virtual Life.)

And, while some content creators might be hesitant to come to a hypergrid-enabled grid, Kitely Market merchants have been embracing it, with more than half of its 8,300 products now exportable to open grids — and exportables are growing at a significantly higher rate than non-exportable content.

SkyLife grid has not announced any limit on their $3 regions, but if you want to get a $5 region on Virtual Life, you will need to hurry — the offer only runs through the end of June, or 200 regions, whichever comes first. The $5 price will remain in place for the lifetime of the region, however.

(Image courtesy SkyLife grid.)
(Image courtesy SkyLife grid.)

You can order a $5 region from Virtual Life here.

You can order a $3 region from SkyLife here.

And, for the next few days, you can still order a CAD $5 region from Great Canadian Grid here.

Maria Korolov