UK teens ready to spend on VR

Greenlight VR reportUK teens are ready to buy virtual reality technology, according to a new research report from Greenlight VR, with 71 percent saying that they’ll either buy it on their own or ask their parents to buy it for them.

“Surprisingly, 25 percent will spend their own money,” the researchers said.

Overall, though, the knowledge level of virtual reality was low.

Although 77 percent of UK respondents said that they have heard about virtual reality, only 8 percent of survey respondents said they “know a lot” about recent technological developments.

Sony PlayStation VR has the most name recognition, at 41 percent, followed by Samsung’s Gear VR at 35 percent.

But of the 36 percent of respondents who have a brand preference, 43 percent prefer Samsung, followed by Sony at 36 percent.

Just under half, or 46 percent, of parents said that they were worried about adverse effects of virtual reality. Of those, 73 percent were specifically worried about health effects and anti-social behavior.

The report is based on a survey of more than 1,000 respondents in the U.K.

Maria Korolov