Kroatan holds photo contest to celebrate first anniversary

Kroatan welcome region on Kroatan Grid. (Snapshot by Maria Korolov.)

To celebrate its first anniversary later on this month, the Croatian-language Kroatan Grid is holding a photo contest themed “my crazy virtual life.”

The deadline for submissions is Monday, May 15, and the winning photos will be featured at the grid’s first anniversary party on Saturday, May 27.

“Prizes are virtual, like a cup with name of the winner on it, and different other prizes like an in-world photo studio,” grid owner Bink Draconia told Hypergrid Business.

The blue mailbox is in the Kroatan hut on the Kroatan welcome region. (Snapshot by Maria Korolov.)

The contest is open to all hypergrid residents, and each contestant is allowed to submit one photo, of their home grid, by dropping it into the blue submission box in the Kroatan cabin on the grid’s welcome region, which is also named Kroatan.

The hypergrid teleport address is

Eternal Ice region on Kroatan Grid. (Snapshot by Maria Korolov.)


The anniverary party will be held on the Eternal Ice region of the grid.

The hypergrid address is Ice.

More information about the instruction for participating in the contest and anniversary can be found here on this Kroatan website.