Press release: Daden creates Chatbot Business Case Calculator to help companies understand potential savings Birmingham, U.K. – An innovative business case calculator has been created by technology company Daden Limited to help organisations understand the potential savings that using an interactive virtual agent – or chatbot – can deliver. Chatbots are computerRead More →

According to a white paper released yesterday by by U.K.-based virtual worlds and chatbot solutions provider Daden Limited, chatbots are increasingly becoming smarter, more connected and more emotional and, as a result, more useful to companies and organizations that use them to provide customer service on websites and in virtualRead More →

Press Release: Daden Announce Series of Emerging Technology Seminars Virtual world solution specialists Daden Limited announce the inaugural dates for a programme of half day seminars on emerging technologies. The seminars are designed to help businesses develop a greater understanding of how virtual worlds and chatbots can be used withinRead More →