AviWorlds relaunches, pledges to ‘stay online forever’

AviWorlds logo horizontalYou can’t keep these guys down.

AviWorlds is back in action, now in its seventh incarnation.

The grid is pledging to make backups of everything, grid founder Alexandro Pomposelli  — also known as Alex Ferraris in-world — said in a Facebook post Saturday,  “so that all is well this time and that the grid can stay online forever.”

AviWorlds freebie mall. This looks like Linda Kellie's freebie mall -- not that there's anything wrong with that. (Image courtesy AviWorlds.)
AviWorlds freebie mall. This looks like Linda Kellie’s freebie mall — not that there’s anything wrong with that. (Image courtesy AviWorlds.)

The grid came back online last Thursday.

“For everybody who thought Ferraris was dead, I’ve got some bad news — it’s not so,” he wrote. “AviWorlds is reborn. Everything is perfect and in its place. Alex Ferraris is back!”

(Image courtesy AviWorlds.)
(Image courtesy AviWorlds.)

To attract users to the grid once again, all uploads, groups and classifieds are free, residents can attach home-based regions at no cost, and every resident can get a free quarter region.

You get a free quarter region. She gets a free quarter region. They get a free quarter region. Everybody gets a free quarter region! (Image courtesy AviWorlds.)
You get a free quarter region. She gets a free quarter region. They get a free quarter region. Everybody gets a free quarter region! (Image courtesy AviWorlds.)

In addition, the grid will be hypergrid-enabled, allowing users to travel to other grids, and to get content delivered from the Kitely Market. The hypergrid address is aviworlds.com:8002.

Alexsandro Pomposelli
Alexsandro Pomposelli

“We will not jail you in a cage like a little birdie,” Pomposelli said, in a Facebook post.

The grid will also offer commercial land. A full region that can hold up to 6,000 prims is $5 per month, 15,000 prims are $15 per month, and a 45,000-prim region is $25.

Each region will also run in its own simulator, Pomposelli promised.

“Generally the grids out there put 16 islands on each simulator, overloading the servers running these islands,” he said in a Facebook post. “The islands on the AviWorlds AVW1 server are completely separate, with distinct databases and simulators.”

Pomposelli’s posts quoted above were all in Portuguese. If there are any errors, blame Google Translate.

A history of failed experiments

To date, AviWorlds has tried:

OpenSim is experimental software, for an experimental metaverse. There’s nothing wrong with trying out different business models, different offers, and different technical setups.

Unfortunately, AviWorlds didn’t stick with any of its experiments long enough to see if they would actually work out. And, with each closure, AviWorlds gave little or not notice at all of the closing, did not give adequate time for residents to make backups or exports, cut off all channels of communication, and, most recently and egregiously, refused to refund a user their $5 worth of unspent virtual currency — after promising that nobody had lost anything on the grid and that all currency purchases would be refunded.

Protect yourself

The following apply to AviWorlds as well as to any other startup grid, closed grid, or commercial grid:

  • Only keep as much money in your virtual currency as you can afford to lose
  • Only create content in a platform where you can make backups, such as a self-hosted region or a Kitely region. Don’t create significant new content in a grid that doesn’t allow backups, or that may be about to close. Instead, create elsewhere and then upload.
  • Don’t rely on in-world friends and groups. Build your community outside the grid with listservs, Facebook groups, or go where all the growth has recently been for OpenSim users — Google Plus communities. That way, even if the grid closes, you can still stay in touch with your customers or friends.
  • For extra security, don’t create an avatar on AviWorlds. In you can, teleport in with an avatar from another grid, instead. OSgrid, Metropolis, Kitely, FrancoGrid, GermanGrid and Craft have all been around for a long time and allow you to teleport in and out.
Maria Korolov