A number of grids are hosting Halloween themed events, destinations, parties and hunts this month.
Halloween Dance at Littlefield Grid

Littlefield Grid has dedicated the Halloween Themed region to host the event for the entire month of October. There will also be a costume party and Halloween Dance at 8 pm Pacific time on Saturday, October 29.
The hypergrid address is lfgrid.com:8002:Stonehaven Party Isle.
MrMikie String performing at 3rd Life Grid

3rd Life has decorated the Holiday Isle for the Halloween and which will be open the entire month of October.
“We will also be having a Halloween dance and tour of the sim on October 31 with MrMikie String performing live at 6 p.m. grid time,†3rd Life spokesperson Gary Justis told Hypergrid Business.
The hypergrid address is 3rdlifegrid.com:8002:Holiday Isle.
Dorena’s World Halloween Party

Dorena’s World grid will host a Halloween party at 2 p.m. Pacific time on Saturday, October 29.
The hypergrid address is dorenas-world.de:8002:Hallo-Wien.
Hunt for Frank Inglewood at Kroatan

Kroatan, a new social OpenSim grid, is hosting a Halloween Hunt from October 8 to November 8 at the Silent Meadow region. The region was opened on October 2 for hunt tests.
The hypergrid address is kroatan.de:8002:Silent Meadow.
Halloween Party on 3rd Rock Grid
3rd Rock will host its Halloween Party from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m Pacific time on Saturday, October 29 on the Realm region. It will feature spooky music and fun with DJ Jeremy Nightshade and DJ Owl. The person who gets the most votes for having the best Halloween Costume will win a prize of 500 Geodes.
The hypergrid address is grid.3rdrockgrid.com:8002: Realm.Â
Dance and parties at OSGrid
The Halloween Region opened from October 1 and will be dedicated to Halloween events for the entire month of October including live performances, parties and a Halloween Dance at 10 a.m. Pacific time on Saturday, October 29.
“The Friday dance at event plaza on October 28 might have a lot of residents in Halloween costumes,” OSgrid president Dan Banner told Hypergrid Business.
The hypergrid address is hg.osgrid.org:80:All Hallows Plaza.
Halloween at AllCity

AllCity is also hosting a Halloween event at 3 p.m. Pacific time on Friday, October 28.
The hypergrid address is login.allcity.com.br:8002.
Annual Exo-Life Costume Ball

Exo-Life just added ghosts and goblins to Garden Island and the Avatar Memorial in Memorial Island.
The grid will host the Annual Exo-Life Costume Ball from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Pacific time on Saturday, October 29 at the plaza in front of the National Aviary on Garden Island Region. The event is open to all residents of the Hypergrid.
The grid is also sponsoring candy give-away at the Garden Island this month. It has also created a Youth Center in the Grape region for child avatar activities. It contains schools, kids freebies, shop, park, playground, adoption center and hangout areas for both boys and girls.
The hypergrid address is hg.exo-life.onl:8032:Garden Island.
ZanGrid Halloween Hunt

ZanGrid is hosting a Halloween Hunt starting at 12 p.m Pacific time on Saturday, October 15 when the region will open. The event is open for everyone on hypergrid.
There are a variety of other events at the grid, including Halloween Special moves with Dj Rique and live performance by singer Merkabah Oh from 11 a.m to 12 p.m Pacific on Friday, October 28; music by Dj Sofee and live performance by Rosy Ogrady from 11 a.m to 1 p.m Pacific on Saturday, October 29; Rocking the ghosts show with Dj Rique at 11 a.m Pacific on Sunday, October 31; and Getting Scared show with Dj Digital at 10 a.m Pacific on October 31.
The hypergrid address is: hg.zangrid.ch:8002:Scary.
Halloween Costume Party at InWorldz

InWorldz is also hosting a Halloween Costume Party at 6 to 8 p.m Pacific on Monday, October 31 in the Underdark at the Arwynd region with DJ Charles Vane spinning a variety of tunes for the attendees to dance to.
The party will be part of the InWorldz Fall Fest 2016 that runs the entire month of October, where visitors will be able to build, exhibit and explore other people’s builds.
InWorldz is not hypergrid enabled, but you can create a free user account here.
Boat tour and natural trails at CreaNovale

Novale region at CreaNovale grid opened on Sunday, October 16 and will host a number of Halloween themed events throughout this month, including a Dancing Stage for Halloween and a boat tour from Welcome Dock to Haunted Valley dock. This boat tour is a great way for photographers to capture the splendor of the grid’s virtual Canadian landscape in Autumn. The region is also hosting a new Haunted Valley and a new forest and meadow trails.
“With this region we aim at creating seasonal landscapes and activities,” CreaNovale spokesperson Nicole Charest told Hypergrid Business.
The hypergrid address is hg.creanovale.ca:8052:Novale.
Building competition, party at Digiworldz

Digiworldz is already allowing visitors to build and exhibit Halloween themed builds until Sunday, October 23. You must join a group first in order to claim a space and then find an open area with an unclaimed box and start building. The builds are up to 15 meters and up to 300 prims are allowed. Builds from Digiworldz members will then be entered into a competition where they can win prices.
The hypergrid address is login.digiworldz.com:8002Halloween Celebration Sim, Halloween.
The Hidden Oasis region and Tekx Place are also hosting the Halloween Party from 5 p.m Pacific time on Saturday, October 22.
The hypergrid address is login.digiworldz.com:8002:Hidden Oasis.
The Second Annual Halloween Party will take place from 4 to 7 p.m. Pacific time on Monday, October 30 in the Great Hall on DigiWorldz featuring great tunes, great conversations and great fun.
The hypergrid address is login.digiworldz.com:8002:Muggleton 3.
Halloween shopping at Green World

The World of Seasons region is hosting a Halloween-oriented marketplace starting on Friday, October 14 and will run until November. Visitors can pick up Halloween-themed freebies.
The hypergrid address is greenworld.online:9022:World of Seasons.
Poink tournament at Virtual Highway

Virtual Highway grid will host the Poink Tournament on at 11 a.m. Pacific time on Sunday, October 23 at the Castle on the Halloween Nightmares region. Participants will win cash prices in Virtual Highway currency.
Virtual Highway is not on the hypergrid, but you can create a free user account here.
Enjoy story telling at the Seanchai Library

Seanchai Library is hosting a reading of the short story “Ghostly Suspense”, from 7 to 8 p.m Pacific on Thursday, October 20 and the “War Hound and the World’s Pain” with Gyro Muggins, from 7 to 8 p.m Pacific time on Monday, October 31.
The hypergrid address is grid.kitely.com:8002:Seanchai.
Where to buy items for Halloween

Halloween offers such as pumpkins, candles, spiders, and spider webs for Halloween theming are available from Neiferleaf region of BartelBe grid.
The hypergrid address is Bartelbe.noip.me:8002:Neiferleaf.
You can also buy the 21 strom Trom Búr mesh tree to help get your region ready for Halloween — and have it delivered to more than 150 different grids. It has smooth wind animations, 3D materials that can easily be modified, and can switch to any of the four seasons with a click. 21strom also sells a variety of other Halloween products on its Kitely Market store.
Altogether, there are over 200 Halloween-themed items on the Kitely Market.
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