OpenSim entrepreneurs discussed ongoing business projects and potential new opportunities in a virtual cafe on the WorldSimTerra grid yesterday. The grid was hypergrid-enabled, so attendees were able to teleport in from other grids.
Some chose to participate via online chat instead (transcript below). In addition, the proceedings were also broadcast in real-time on WorldSimTerra’s streaming TV channel (replay of the event is here).
After a long winter break, the Hypergrid Entrepreneur Group has finally resumed its weekly meetings, meeting in Second Life last week.
Folks who attended last weekΓΒ included Australian real estate developer Per Eriksson, who runs a grid on OpenSim as well as islands in Second Life, Sweden’s Jurate Stanaityte, a consultant focusing on non-profit uses of virtual worlds, and OpenSim developer Dirk Krause, based in Germany. Maria Korolov, editor of Hypergrid Business, moderated the event.

This week’s attendees included Korolov and Krause (“barth13”), as well as WorldSimTerra manager Joao Cantinho Lopes (“Ideia Boa”), who was based in Sweden, Brazilian OpenSim developer Pato Donald, journalist Xiao Chuan, and OpenSim developer Chris Greenwell. Speaker and book coach Claudia Gere said she listened in on the meeting over the chat connection.
Greenwell (“ARADTech”) talked about his work with Avatar Marketplace. Korolov talked about her work with Hypergrid Worlds.
The group also discussed other entrepreneurship-related issues.
(21:13:32) MariaKorolov: ideia — where’s the tv channel?
(21:13:37) barth13: *now* I am late :-/
(21:13:38) MariaKorolov: barth — welcome back, dirk!
(21:13:45) barth13: Hi π
(21:13:46) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>:
(21:14:05) MariaKorolov: barth — Arad is telling us about the various OpenSim projects he’s workig on, and Ideia about their TV channel…
(21:14:07) ARADTech: going great , as always trying to sort out features per opensim version per stability per this and that but its all moving forward and generating revnue π
(21:14:42) barth13: kk
(21:14:59) barth13: generating revenue? wow …
(21:15:15) ARADTech: we are also working with Meta7 team on some things they seem to have everything really together
(21:15:44) ARADTech: they just released there LightShare technology to the opensim community and its pretty rad
(21:16:13) ARADTech: they have a really amazing new scripting engine that uses mircothreading and really low resources like 500% less then Xengine
(21:16:37) barth13: there is so much happening there, very cool
(21:16:57) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: i’m back
(21:17:43) barth13: ah, I hear the freeswitch π
(21:18:23) MariaKorolov hat den Raum verlassen (quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds).
(21:18:32) Portugal Code> Maria.Korolov @ has left
(21:18:33) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: today is a lot cold here, it’s hard to type
(21:18:59) xiaochuan [~61507831@gateway/web/freenode/x-ktabgrwpyyjfccpn] hat den Raum betreten.
(21:19:27) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: Mria crash
(21:19:32) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: *Maria
(21:19:57) xiaochuan hat den Raum verlassen.
(21:21:39) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: but i can
(21:21:46) MariaKorolov [~61507645@gateway/web/freenode/x-tzjcglqhfcbamfpf] hat den Raum betreten.
(21:21:54) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: welcome back Maria
(21:22:19) MariaKorolov: PowerOutage! out of the clear blue!
(21:24:28) xiaochuan_ [~61507831@gateway/web/freenode/x-rnkgqxuxvfthyaha] hat den Raum betreten.
(21:24:29) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: i thnk that nobody more comes
(21:24:44) barth13: @outage: ouch
(21:24:45) xiaochuan_: sorry i was lost
(21:25:13) MariaKorolov: Ni hao, Xiao!
(21:25:29) xiaochuan_: hi maira!
(21:25:38) xiaochuan_: sorry i am late
(21:25:47) MariaKorolov: ideai — can you grab a copy of the transcript? I was going to, but i think i missed all of Arad’s discussion of how his operations are making money!
(21:25:49) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: hi xiao
(21:26:15) xiaochuan_: no, i can not
(21:26:23) xiaochuan_: ni world sim treea
(21:26:34) xiaochuan_: nice meeting you here
(21:26:58) barth13: somebody’s lighting a cigarette π
(21:27:11) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: it’s not me
(21:27:16) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: =D
(21:27:20) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: me
(21:28:05) barth13: so does somebody have the first 20 min subscript?
(21:28:52) Portugal Code> Maria.Korolov @ has arrived
(21:28:59) MariaKorolov: bart: i’ll be posting that up later
(21:29:02) barth13: and could possibly put it into pastebin?
(21:29:07) barth13: ok
(21:29:16) MariaKorolov: is there also voice discussions going on?
(21:29:48) barth13: from the livestream of Ideia I’d say no?
(21:29:52) MariaKorolov: or is it just text?
(21:31:08) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: i’m ready now
(21:31:20) MariaKorolov: okay…
(21:31:25) MariaKorolov: arad — are you still here?
(21:31:46) ARADTech: yup
(21:31:47) barth13: I see ARADTech in the IRC channel
(21:31:50) barth13: ah great
(21:32:04) MariaKorolov: and i am back!
(21:32:15) MariaKorolov: finally — it takes a long time to get into an OpenSim world…
(21:32:15) barth13: very good
(21:32:26) MariaKorolov: can’t wait for an easy web-based interface to make this easier…
(21:32:34) MariaKorolov: ideai — how difficult was it to set up the livestream access?
(21:32:59) MariaKorolov: seems like a good thing to have for all OpenSim-based meetings, for the folks who can’t get in
(21:33:38) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: not so dificult
(21:33:45) barth13: he does the old ‘webcam-shoots-monitor’ trick, which is very efficient :-), methinks.
(21:34:04) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: is not the webcam
(21:34:08) MariaKorolov: oh, and everyone — Per Ericsson says hello — he was going to attend, but has to go to an RL meeting
(21:34:12) barth13: oh?
(21:34:35) barth13: manycam?
(21:35:12) MariaKorolov: so the livestream chat is not linked to the IRC chat or the in-region chat… ?
(21:35:22) MariaKorolov: is it possible to use livestream video and combine it with the IRC chat channel?
(21:35:46) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: livestream chat is from livestream only
(21:36:23) MariaKorolov: can the livestream video and audio feed be embedded into a website next to an IRC chat panel? or does the livestream feed come with the chat attached?
(21:36:33) barth13: yes, that would be nice
(21:36:36) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: only that
(21:37:16) MariaKorolov: if anyone is playing around with that, let me know — i’d love to help test it
(21:37:20) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: yes, we have the live sream in the site
(21:38:08) MariaKorolov: what’s the link?
(21:40:05) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: you have the IRC in
(21:41:05) Portugal Code> Maria.Korolov @ has left
(21:42:23) MariaKorolov hat den Raum verlassen (quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds).
(21:43:02) MariaKorolov [~61507645@gateway/web/freenode/x-fzefbdeieqptzpdo] hat den Raum betreten.
(21:43:10) MariaKorolov: wow… NOT a good day in the trombly-koroov household
(21:43:20) barth13: outage again??
(21:43:31) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: wow
(21:43:37) MariaKorolov: sorry guys… suspecting its not an outage but an overheating…
(21:44:01) MariaKorolov: it’s really warm out here in W. Massachusetts today — raised my computer on a cooling rack
(21:44:16) MariaKorolov: i don’t think it’s ever happened to me before… and, of course, it has to happen during a meeting π
(21:45:53) barth13: of course π
(21:46:00) MariaKorolov_ [~61507645@gateway/web/freenode/x-cfltcenjukfwywzi] hat den Raum betreten.
(21:46:07) barth13: I think one can do something like that:
(21:46:30) MariaKorolov_: ooh — excellent!
(21:46:46) MariaKorolov_: dirk: any meeting should put something like this up…
(21:46:50) Guest32846 hat den Raum verlassen (quit: Quit: Page closed).
(21:47:04) Ideia [~53fb15f3@gateway/web/freenode/x-stlrdngtypoaziel] hat den Raum betreten.
(21:47:15) MariaKorolov_: ideia: does it need an operator to run the cam?
(21:47:36) MariaKorolov_: or can it be automated — say, through a camera-shaped object you drop into a region, that automatically feeds everytihng to livestream?
(21:48:12) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: nice
(21:48:47) MariaKorolov hat den Raum verlassen (quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds).
(21:49:02) MariaKorolov_: I’m still here
(21:49:06) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: lol
(21:49:13) MariaKorolov_: i think it signed out an alt from a previous crash…
(21:49:25) xiaochuan_: ha
(21:49:55) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: ideia
(21:50:01) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: i liked the camera
(21:50:14) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: π
(21:50:29) barth13: for the automated camera idea you need a dedicated comp – that’s what teh VCE guys do IIRC
(21:51:28) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: you have to focus me??? π
(21:51:33) MariaKorolov_: bart: if you’re going to need a dedicated computer, might as well use a regular streaming cam…
(21:51:57) barth13: true
(21:52:30) MariaKorolov_: can it just be done with a dedicated server, not a whole dedicated computer? then rent it out to people?
(21:52:40) MariaKorolov_: i can see paying for this service if I was doing a business meeting…
(21:52:45) barth13: actually Id like to setup a OpenSimClient-In-A-Box π
(21:53:10) MariaKorolov_: bart: hmm.. yeah, could you do it cloud-based?
(21:53:21) barth13: well it can be done with a virtual server
(21:53:23) barth13: yes
(21:53:51) MariaKorolov_: bart: could you do a “business bundle” — opensim region, camera livestreaming, irc chat, and vivox voice?
(21:53:58) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: we have made that, but everyday there are changes with the soft, and we stop
(21:54:41) barth13: @maria: in general – yes. @ideia: you have to freeze a version, that’s what SienceSim does.
(21:54:44) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: for vivox you need to buy a licence
(21:55:11) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: and it is expensive
(21:55:12) MariaKorolov_: ideia: you’d need to include automatic updaters with any opensim-in-a-box configuration
(21:55:25) MariaKorolov_: ideia: i know it’s expensive, but for a business meeting, it might be worth it
(21:55:38) MariaKorolov_: idea: i’m not talkinga bout public grids, but, say, for a nice conference setup
(21:56:12) barth13: Freeswitch does the job, too, I thought …?
(21:56:30) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: we had send a messege to them, and until now we have no ansuer
(21:56:34) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: we use freeswitch here
(21:56:57) MariaKorolov_: i’ve heard estimates of $10 to $50 per region per month, depending on number of regions
(21:57:10) barth13: yes, that’s why I didnt understand the vivox remark
(21:57:10) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: freeswitch works ok, if you have a server only for freeswitch
(21:57:17) MariaKorolov_: dirk: vivox supports directional voice, and is a little clearer than freeswitch
(21:57:35) MariaKorolov_: dirk: second life uses vivox. reactiongrid is rollign it out.
(21:57:42) barth13: you dont need spatial voice for teleconferences, I think
(21:57:59) MariaKorolov_: a few grids are experimenting with it too, i think
(21:58:13) barth13: and our next version of opensim-in-a-box will feature call-in with a SIP fon or a real phone.
(21:58:14) MariaKorolov_: dirk: for a teleconference, no, but if you’re having a small-group business meeting, it could be nice
(21:58:18) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: but SL is SL they have lots of money
(21:58:27) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: yes
(21:58:33) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: and Reaction Grid i don’t know
(21:58:38) barth13: nice is not so nice if expensive
(21:58:40) MariaKorolov_: ideia: i think reactiongrid is planning on $50 a month a region pricing
(21:59:00) MariaKorolov_: it’s expensive for a public grid — but cheap for a high-end buisness meeting
(21:59:05) barth13: k
(21:59:09) MariaKorolov_: you’d spend at least that much on donuts, and coffee, anyway π
(21:59:30) barth13: lol
(21:59:53) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: it is dificult to sell a region, if you increase the price…………
(22:00:21) MariaKorolov_: ideia: right, it’s not for public grids. I’m talking about per-hour rentals of conference halls for business meetings
(22:00:44) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: before you sell land, you need to offer free land or rent land to the clients make a “test drive”
(22:00:45) MariaKorolov_: ideia: though reactiongrid is planning to include that in its base region price, i think
(22:00:51) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: but for a high-end buisness meeting, we can do what they want
(22:00:55) MariaKorolov_: but RG has enteprise users, not public
(22:01:02) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: it is only a question of money
(22:01:45) MariaKorolov_: pato: or you can just invite your clients to a sales meeting in-world — they can see how the technology works and sounds, and if they like it, they can hold a small meeting there to try it out, and grow from there
(22:02:02) MariaKorolov_: having web-based access will make this a LOT more feasible
(22:02:19) MariaKorolov_: but apparently all the current web viewer projects have stalled. has anyone heard anything?
(22:02:37) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: maria: yes, agree
(22:02:42) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: yes, but RG has a big name brhind them,
(22:02:50) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: ven hey say no, everyone thinks that is what microsoft is behind them
(22:03:06) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: even they*
(22:03:35) MariaKorolov_: ideia — microsoft is giving them a break on some of the technology, i think
(22:03:45) MariaKorolov_: but i know the owners — jeff lowe just bought in, too
(22:03:48) MariaKorolov_: it’s a small company
(22:04:02) barth13: yes, I think so, too
(22:04:21) MariaKorolov_: i don’t know of hte Microsoft technology is helping or hurting, though π I’ve heard rumors that i can be unstable sometimes to run opensim on…
(22:04:41) barth13: well, after all it is based on .net
(22:05:00) barth13: which is MS last time I checked π
(22:05:13) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: .net says everything
(22:05:27) MariaKorolov_: π
(22:05:53) barth13: having said that – Unity3D is also based on Mono … and they are doing VERY well.
(22:06:26) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: and why project Mahatan links to RG? and it is a microsoft project
(22:06:29) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: ?
(22:06:35) MariaKorolov_: Unity is great for games
(22:06:49) MariaKorolov_: i’m not sure about it as an enterprise platform, though — except for marketing kinds of things
(22:07:04) barth13: project manhattan = RG
(22:07:19) MariaKorolov_: what i would LOVE to see is a Flash 5 viewer for OpenSim — like this:
(22:07:21) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: yes it is the same
(22:07:37) barth13: @maria: exactly!!
(22:07:43) MariaKorolov_: Crista Lopes (diva) says its possible
(22:07:52) MariaKorolov_: and if you get it working, you can even see it on an iPad π
(22:08:07) MariaKorolov_: but she said it would be tricky
(22:08:38) barth13: let’s not get into a apple vs the world religious war π
(22:08:47) barth13: an*
(22:08:58) MariaKorolov_: HTML 5 is platform independent, I believe
(22:09:02) MariaKorolov_: and requires no plug-ins
(22:09:08) barth13: but a web based (html5) approach would be great
(22:09:10) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: we are trying to put 3DI working with worldsimterra
(22:09:35) MariaKorolov_: i’ve tried out the 3di viewer on my own grid and on OSGrid — i love the idea
(22:09:42) MariaKorolov_: though there’s a pretty big plugin to download
(22:09:46) barth13: cool? did you get it to work?
(22:09:53) MariaKorolov_: ideia: have you been able to get your WST textures to load up?
(22:09:58) MariaKorolov_: and avatars?
(22:10:04) MariaKorolov_: mine came out all creepy and twisted!
(22:10:06) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: 3Di still using very much of client
(22:10:07) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: yes
(22:10:12) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: it works
(22:10:27) MariaKorolov_: wow, cool!
(22:10:36) MariaKorolov_: do you have a link to a working page?
(22:11:07) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: not all textures
(22:11:43) MariaKorolov_: but the avatars look okay to other peopel in the region?
(22:11:46) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: but for a test for new residents we thing it is good
(22:12:13) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: for other people everything is normal
(22:12:46) Portugal Code> Maria.Korolov @ has arrived
(22:12:52) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: until we have it working, no
(22:12:54) MariaKorolov_: cool
(22:13:10) MariaKorolov_: what’s still missing for it to work?
(22:13:40) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: can i suggest to make a viewer using xbap?
(22:13:54) barth13: like Adams?
(22:14:01) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: when it is working we put in the worlsimterra site, so that people come to the grid with no need of register
(22:14:47) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: we wayt that the gauys os 3Di do something better…… π
(22:15:02) MariaKorolov_: adam’s xenki viewer has been pretty much abandoned…
(22:15:47) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: the big problem, is that is very difficult to have help from the others
(22:16:23) MariaKorolov_: i think if we can put a team together, we can find funding for it
(22:16:30) MariaKorolov_: people are VERY willing to help if they get paid π
(22:16:50) barth13: lol
(22:16:59) MariaKorolov_: unfortunately, current power users of opensim — and developers among them — are happy with the existing viewers
(22:17:05) MariaKorolov_: they want all the features
(22:17:07) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: we arrive allways to the point
(22:17:10) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: MONEY
(22:17:24) MariaKorolov_: so its hard to get enthusiasm for an easy, light, stripped-down web viewer
(22:17:53) MariaKorolov_: and there’s no benefit to Second Life to support it — they’ll get ltos of new traffic to weight down their servers, without a lot of additional revenues to offset it — at least at first
(22:18:02) MariaKorolov_: they’ll have to bring their cost structure down, first
(22:18:06) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: yes barth, like Adam
(22:18:31) MariaKorolov_: if money is needed, there are lots of potential sources of money
(22:18:42) MariaKorolov_: i know of several invenstors interested in this technology
(22:19:04) MariaKorolov_: something which has the potential to become the next Netscape would be VERY appealing
(22:19:12) MariaKorolov_: especially if packaged together with a compeling business case
(22:19:24) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: someone remeber the features page, where is suggested a custom sky?
(22:20:34) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: with a opensim viewer this can be possible
(22:20:37) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: i’m very good withsoft and ideas, but very bad running business, i think
(22:20:39) barth13: @maria: wow
(22:20:59) MariaKorolov_: i LOVE running businesses
(22:21:11) barth13: @the next mozilla I would prefer π
(22:21:22) MariaKorolov_: until the economy crashes and all our customers drop us, of course. that’s what happened to my last company. lol
(22:21:54) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: thet same
(22:21:56) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: lol
(22:22:40) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: lol
(22:22:41) MariaKorolov_: you’re not an entrepreneur until you have a few war stories like that under your belt!
(22:23:13) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: π
(22:23:14) MariaKorolov_: what gets me, is that people kept offering me money for my old company — several million, the last time — and i kept turning them down. still kicking myself!!!
(22:24:08) MariaKorolov_: i’m putting together a business planΓΒ now to build a new yahoo, for opensim
(22:24:26) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: search engine?
(22:24:27) MariaKorolov_: ther’es a masschallenge competition for startups going on out where i am, and i plan to get into that and win it π
(22:24:39) MariaKorolov_: but either way, i’ve got potential investors
(22:24:46) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: i tried to make a internet for second life (lol)
(22:24:50) MariaKorolov_: pato: a search engine like google requires links
(22:24:58) MariaKorolov_: there are WAY too few links right now to build one
(22:25:07) MariaKorolov_: you need a few million sites up first
(22:25:21) MariaKorolov_: until then, a hierarchical yahoo-style directory is the best way to find thigns
(22:25:28) barth13: @maria: this is interesting – obviously π
(22:25:42) MariaKorolov_: i’ve got a prototype up now:
(22:26:08) MariaKorolov_: after a few years, though, the directory becomes useless — i don’t think yahoo even bothers to update theirs, and it’s almost impossible to find from their front page!
(22:26:56) MariaKorolov_: one way to track links is through trackign the hypergates — there are a few proprietary systms available now for opensim, each with a different backend database
(22:27:06) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: i still dreaming with a in-world network
(22:27:20) barth13: your ‘yahoo’ opensim page is great, btw
(22:27:22) MariaKorolov_: pato: that’s my next step.
(22:27:31) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: π
(22:27:32) MariaKorolov_: after putting up the directory and adding a LOT more sites to it
(22:27:39) MariaKorolov_: and getting some traffic and ad revenues
(22:27:51) MariaKorolov_: i plan to put that money towards renting regions and setting up “star ports”
(22:28:01) MariaKorolov_: places where people can go to teleport to other worlds…
(22:28:19) MariaKorolov_: and rent out marketing kiosks, merchant space, etc…
(22:28:26) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: last time i contributed to opensim, was to fix a bug that when we use llGetSimulatorHostname() it returns sim machine
(22:29:02) MariaKorolov_: at first, a single megaregion should be enough
(22:29:06) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: i’m not bad with C#
(22:29:11) MariaKorolov_: later, we’ll need to add load balancing to handle traffic overflows
(22:29:22) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: Maria, I forgot to say, the WorldSimTerra can not be categorized as regional, because Portuguese peolpe we have almost any
(22:29:29) MariaKorolov_: maybe start hosting residential space around it
(22:29:57) MariaKorolov_: ideia — really? that’s too bad! it was the only Portugal-based grid I have listed…
(22:30:10) MariaKorolov_: very exotic and romantic
(22:30:13) MariaKorolov_: π
(22:30:20) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: here are people from Germany, Brazil (like me), USA and other countries…
(22:30:37) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: there*
(22:31:21) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: yes, but unfortunately the Portuguese always believe in what is done by others
(22:31:50) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: and not say nothing compares with the SL
(22:32:07) MariaKorolov_: i guess i”m too US-centric. i’d rather visit a sim in Portugal than a generic one that could be based anywhere in the world π
(22:32:17) MariaKorolov_: it seems more exciting to me!
(22:32:24) MariaKorolov_: but i guess if you live in Portugal, then its’ boring
(22:32:25) MariaKorolov_: ha ha
(22:32:33) barth13: lol
(22:32:33) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: lol
(22:32:55) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: get a travel around the grid and you will like it
(22:33:44) MariaKorolov_: but there is a reason to keep it listed under “Portugal” — it gives people an extra way to find it.
(22:33:52) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: yes
(22:33:52) MariaKorolov_: (you can list a region in as many categories as you like)
(22:34:00) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: most people here talks portuguese
(22:34:13) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: br
(22:34:18) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: not pt
(22:34:22) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: yes
(22:34:27) MariaKorolov_: so if someone wants to visit virtual Porgal, or practice speaking Portueguese, they know they can come here
(22:34:53) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: they can talk with Pato, he loves to talk
(22:34:55) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: π
(22:34:58) MariaKorolov_: or if a company wants to find al ocal OpenSim vendor…
(22:35:11) MariaKorolov_: retail customers will go with Second Life — it has the most users, the most fun stuff to do
(22:35:12) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: lol
(22:35:19) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: ping
(22:35:32) MariaKorolov_: but an enterprise customers looking for enterprise-level space for an internal grid might want local support, local expertise, someone they can call on the phone and talk to
(22:35:47) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: but we are portuguese, but we are not in Portugal, we are in Sweden
(22:35:54) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: and Brazil
(22:36:00) MariaKorolov_: you are in sweden???
(22:36:05) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: yes and Brazil
(22:36:09) barth13: I dont think that the local approach works
(22:36:11) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: yes
(22:36:31) MariaKorolov_: i know a few OpenSim hosting companies that do house calls — come to a company’s location to set up their servers and maintain them
(22:36:49) MariaKorolov_: the folks in teh UK — Second Places — have a LOT of education clients that they do this for, for example
(22:37:38) MariaKorolov_: and i know people locally in massachusetts who will only use local Web hosting providers, even though the prices are higher, because they like supporting local business — and like being able to get someone on teh telephone
(22:37:58) MariaKorolov_: ideia: do you speak swedish, too?
(22:38:34) MariaKorolov_: if you put up regions — or designate regions — as “Swedish” or “Brazilian” — I can add them to those regional categories, as well
(22:38:39) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: i speak a little little
(22:38:51) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: lol
(22:38:59) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: how many years you are in SWE?
(22:39:13) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: 6
(22:39:16) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: wow
(22:39:19) MariaKorolov_: maybe a virtual IKEA stores… π
(22:39:53) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: mama mia
(22:40:01) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: do you like cold? π
(22:40:24) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: i like money
(22:40:32) barth13: my point would be: Id like to support local businesses, yes – but I want to act global.
(22:40:33) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: i like $$$ too!
(22:40:48) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: =D
(22:41:18) MariaKorolov_: bart: i don’t like supporting local businesses. i mean, i do — for restaurants, say
(22:41:25) MariaKorolov_: bart: but for technology, i buy global
(22:41:53) MariaKorolov_: but if there was a local grid or region, i would definitely stop by and check it out. just to see what was happening.
(22:42:05) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: we go to change some regions names, so that you can put in the directory under Brazil and Sweden
(22:42:13) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: __ Fun / Cash
(22:42:17) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: test
(22:42:28) MariaKorolov_: i don’t mind support in India. but some peole i know mind it very much, and like having local people to help
(22:42:57) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: you are live Pato
(22:43:01) MariaKorolov_: ideia — i look forward to adding Brazil and Sweden categories to the directory!
(22:43:36) MariaKorolov_: right now, my goal is to add 130 grids to it
(22:43:47) MariaKorolov_: right now, we have 41 grids
(22:43:56) MariaKorolov_: not too bad, considering how new hypergrid is!
(22:44:01) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: i’m live
(22:44:02) MariaKorolov_: i mean, add 100 grids to it
(22:44:23) MariaKorolov_: 100 is a nice round number. then maybe we’ll give out plaques “one of the first 100 grids on the hypergrid”
(22:44:24) barth13: virtual world business should be agnostic to region, sex, colour of skin, nationality etc IMHO
(22:44:32) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: we go to change the region o f the casino to Sweden, perhaps the king comes to play a little
(22:44:43) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: π
(22:45:00) barth13: sweden is a monarchy??
(22:45:21) barth13: *needs to google more*
(22:45:29) MariaKorolov_: speaking of the casino – will it have real gambling soon?
(22:45:40) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: yes with a king and everything
(22:46:12) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: and we have no Euro money, we have Kronor
(22:46:26) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: yes, and who rules is the first minister
(22:46:29) MariaKorolov_: i think arad might also be working on something gambling related… or his parent company might be…
(22:46:33) barth13: sweden seems to be WoW in RL
(22:46:45) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: when they have the slotmachines working
(22:47:02) barth13: (no pun intended)
(22:47:04) MariaKorolov_: what about poker tables?
(22:47:18) MariaKorolov_: and hostesses?
(22:47:26) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: it is a little casino
(22:47:27) MariaKorolov_: and what kind of payments will you have?
(22:47:31) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: only a test
(22:47:39) MariaKorolov_: just in-world currency, or OMC, G$, etc…?
(22:47:46) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: we don’t want problems
(22:47:46) MariaKorolov_: G$ — ha ha — “G string”
(22:47:51) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: WST$
(22:47:52) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: OS$
(22:48:00) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: RG$
(22:48:00) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: S$
(22:48:05) MariaKorolov_: pato: so only for in-world residents?
(22:48:19) MariaKorolov_: what’s S$ and OS$ and RG$?
(22:48:36) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: like in EU, they have euto, but every country have a different currency
(22:48:57) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: only a example of grid currencies:
(22:49:17) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: we were the first grid to have money working, and it will continue until you see something better
(22:49:17) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: OsGrid$ WorldSimTerra$ ReactionGrid$
(22:49:19) MariaKorolov_: G$ is multi-grid, backed by Arad’s company — CyberCoinBank
(22:49:28) barth13: oh? cool
(22:49:28) MariaKorolov_: OMC is backed by virwox, also multi-trid
(22:49:30) MariaKorolov_: grid
(22:49:50) MariaKorolov_: pato: OSGrid doesn’t have in-grid currency, neither does ReactionGrid
(22:50:07) barth13: is in-world currency important?
(22:50:25) barth13: *ducks*
(22:50:25) MariaKorolov_: barth: its nice for social grids, with local commerce
(22:50:32) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: Maria: Was an Example
(22:50:34) MariaKorolov_: barth: cheaper than paypal or paypal micropayments
(22:50:42) MariaKorolov_: barth: not relevant to enteprrise or education grids
(22:50:48) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: barth13: is important in some parts
(22:50:52) MariaKorolov_: barth: ah, that was a joke!
(22:50:58) MariaKorolov_: ha ha ha.
(22:51:00) barth13: no, it wasnt
(22:51:26) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: paypal is very expensive and micropayments don’t work everywhere
(22:51:41) MariaKorolov_: pato: so which currencies will your casino support? only WST currency or some of the multi-grid currencies as well?
(22:51:44) barth13: I think the chronic ‘we need inworld economy’ notion is making things complicated
(22:51:58) MariaKorolov_: ideia: that’s what inpisred OMC and G$ to get started
(22:52:02) barth13: and for some use cases it is not important at all
(22:52:03) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: only wst currency
(22:52:20) MariaKorolov_: ideia: so the casino is only for local residents, not for hypergrid visitors?
(22:52:39) barth13: I think transactions could happen externally of VWs
(22:53:20) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: when you teleport to WST, you receive a message saying that money don’t work whit you
(22:53:42) MariaKorolov_: ideia: yup, i got that message
(22:53:50) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: because you come from a place with no wst money
(22:53:59) MariaKorolov_: barth: yes, they can. and with OMC, all final confirmations are done through a website
(22:54:07) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: @barth: like an credit card?
(22:54:17) MariaKorolov_: barth: but i think once OpenSim security improves and it supports SSL, we might see some in-world payments
(22:54:33) MariaKorolov_: and it will help move opensim adoption along — just like PayPal payments did for EBay and small Web businesses
(22:54:36) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: omc is very complicated
(22:54:51) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: people likes to buy money and final
(22:55:10) MariaKorolov_: ideia: i haven’t used either OMC or G$ yet… just talked to the folks managing them
(22:55:28) MariaKorolov_: i guess i should be a good journalist and try it out
(22:55:36) MariaKorolov_: i just don’t like buying virtual money! ha ha ha
(22:56:40) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: but in real life, when you go to a casino, you don’t play with your money, you play with the casino money
(22:56:41) MariaKorolov_: did everyone get a chance to talk about hteir projects?
(22:56:48) MariaKorolov_: Dirk — did you explain what you guys are working on?
(22:56:59) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: i would suggest that: the person buys the cash from a unique, central site, where is registered every grid owner, etc, and the person pays for that virtual cash, when the person goes to an virtual world, he can use this cash, and in case of upload, the grid owner gets the cash in credits
(22:57:26) MariaKorolov_: ideia: i don’t go to real life casino, either. I’m NOT a target customer for these things! lol
(22:57:46) MariaKorolov_: pato: isn’t that what G$ and OMC are trying to accomplish?
(22:57:48) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: me too =P
(22:57:53) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: me 2 , but i know that is like tjhat
(22:57:56) barth13: @maria: no I didnt – oops
(22:57:59) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: @Maria: idk
(22:58:18) MariaKorolov_: Dirk — Barth — is in Germany, and has a cool OpenSim project
(22:58:25) barth13:
(22:58:45) barth13: yes, ty, Maria π
(22:59:46) MariaKorolov_: he and i have been talking about putting a publicly available service up with an easy interface
(23:00:32) MariaKorolov_: like the one-click installs that Dreamhost has for its webhosting clients
(23:01:12) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: i will go
(23:01:15) barth13: and I DO think this is a good idea
(23:01:28) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: goodbye ppl
(23:01:37) MariaKorolov_: goodbye, Pato!
(23:01:45) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: xau
(23:01:49) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: xau
(23:01:58) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: tomorrow i’ve school
(23:01:58) MariaKorolov_: xau? like ciao?
(23:02:05) barth13: bye
(23:02:10) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: yes
(23:02:24) MariaKorolov_: my first word of Portueguese π
(23:02:29) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: hehe
(23:02:30) barth13: didnt know that either
(23:02:39) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: your 2nd is Oi
(23:02:44) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: the same that Hi
(23:02:47) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: =D
(23:02:51) MariaKorolov_: oi???? ha ha ha ha ha
(23:02:56) MariaKorolov_: Oi there!
(23:02:58) MariaKorolov_: hee hee
(23:03:08) barth13: and IΓΒ thought oi was australian π
(23:03:12) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: you know more portuguese then you think
(23:03:44) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: portuguese is hard to conjugate
(23:03:52) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: welcome again Pato
(23:03:56) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: thx
(23:04:05) barth13: so, since this is taking two hours now – is the HG meeting every week?
(23:04:06) MariaKorolov_: Dirk — if you set up an easy “kitchensim” style installer, you might be able to license it to individual grids that allow self-hosted regions…
(23:04:12) barth13: yes
(23:04:13) MariaKorolov_: dirk: yes, we’re coming to a close
(23:04:16) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: like: i went to bathroom, for example
(23:04:17) MariaKorolov_: dirk: yes, every week
(23:04:19) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: it’s easy
(23:04:23) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: english
(23:04:28) MariaKorolov_: dirk: i wanted to be sure we got to you before we ended
(23:04:37) barth13: kk
(23:04:47) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: now is real
(23:04:52) Pato Donald in Portugal Code>: bye / xau
(23:04:58) MariaKorolov_: usually different people show up for each meeting, between 4-20 each time…
(23:05:08) MariaKorolov_: but we suspended over the winter, for various reasons
(23:05:12) MariaKorolov_: and now starting up again
(23:05:12) barth13: I read the PDFs and will answer by email to a few points I have
(23:05:20) Portugal Code> Pato Donald has left
(23:05:25) MariaKorolov_: barth — okay, looking forward to that!
(23:05:45) barth13: no showstoppers though
(23:05:56) MariaKorolov_: cool
(23:06:12) MariaKorolov_: Yahoo had a varoiety of things they offered — not just a directory, but also business hosting, etc…
(23:06:17) MariaKorolov_: as well as free accounts
(23:06:21) MariaKorolov_: and groups
(23:06:31) MariaKorolov_: it would be nice for me to be able to offer some of these features as well
(23:06:43) barth13: sure
(23:07:03) barth13: does someone have the full protocol of this meeting?
(23:07:05) Ideia Boa in Portugal Code>: this region is allways open to hypgrid entrepreneurs meetings
(23:07:16) MariaKorolov_: okay, is there anyone else in this conference who’d like to introduce themselves before we go?
(23:07:22) MariaKorolov_: someone who hasn’t spoken up yet?
(23:07:30) barth13: @ideia: very cool
(23:07:40) MariaKorolov_: ideia: could you email me a copy of the transcript, please?
- Breaking news: Philip Rosedale to speak at OSCC on Sunday - December 7, 2024
- Registration now open for December’s OpenSim Community Conference - November 13, 2024
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