Press Release: SITEFORUM integrates Ustream to deliver live broadcasting for communities and virtual events
SITEFORUM, with its focus on online communities and virtual events, requires broadcasting options in several applications such as webcasts, webinars, virtual events and trainings. Ustream enables anyone with an Internet connection and a camera to engage their audience in a one-to-many model. This means the user can broadcast to an audience of unlimited size.
SITEFORUM has fully integrated Ustream and this makes it very easy to enrich content such as blogs, forum messages or virtual event booths with ustream broadcast capabilities.

If a company is running a booth at a virtual fair and the CEO presents his products in a webcast, he may want to broadcast the slot in realtime onto his company website. Or, if a blogger is participating at an innovation event with his iPhone in the pocket, he may want to broadcast the show onto his blog. Such requirements can be handled simply by connecting the SITEFORUM portal to the user’s ustream channel and by clicking the “Broadcast now” button.

Dirk Schlenzig, CEO of the SITEFORUM Group, says: “On our research for a live interactive broadcast platform we were more than happy to find Ustream, because they make it so easy for the users to engage with the audience in a meaningful, immediate way. Our social community and virtual events software allows users to collaborate with each other, present products and showcase expertise. Ustream brings this to life and increass customer interaction and engagement.”
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