Smartphones have radically transformed how we communicate with each other, learn, shop, get the news, get driving directions — they touch nearly every facet of our lives. The transformative effects of smart glasses, also known as augmented reality glasses, can be equally dramatic. Instead of looking down at a screen,Read More →

US$15 for a 35,000-prim region on the Enchanted Grid. Local $EG currency. No hypergrid. No varregions. No Gloebit currency support. No Kitely Market deliveries.Read More →

Our sister site, the speculative fiction magazine MetaStellar, is accepting original flash fiction stories this month. If you have an original, never-before-published sci-fi, fantasy, or horror story of 1,000 words or less, you can submit it here. Authors whose stories are accepted will be paid 8 cents a word forRead More →

Tangle grid offers free skypads on the Skylife Properties region for people who want to set up private homes, private clubs, and other services. A skypad is a small island floating in the sky above a region, allowing users a plot of land with more privacy than traditional home plotsRead More →

OpenSim’s total land area hit a record high this month, with the equivalent of 90,310 regions. And this is actually an undercount — many grids don’t report their stats, many schools and company grids run in completely private mode, and some grids count large variable-sized regions as single regions. ThisRead More →

  Gay Nation, which is an area on the AviWorlds grid dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community, is offering free spaces for shops, businesses, venues, recreational activities, and hypergrid travel agencies. Anyone can request space, including residents of other grids, as long as their offerings are of service to the LGBTQ+Read More →

Tranquility grid has now been sold to the owners of Little Breath grid and is now part of the Little Breath grid. The old Tranquility grid was previously scheduled to shut down on February 28, but was closed earlier. Region owners who move their regions to the Little Breath willRead More →

US $5 per month for a 20,000 prim region on the hypergrid-enabled Barefoot Dreamers grid, variable-sized regions starting at $10 per month.Read More →

The Sundance Film Festival starts tomorrow, and this year, for the first time, it’s all virtual. Now, Sundance has been featuring cutting-edge content at its New Frontier category for more than 15 years now, and virtual reality has been playing a bigger and bigger part for the past few years.Read More →

Craft World grid will be celebrating their 11 year anniversary tomorrow, Wednesday, January 27 starting at 1 p.m. Pacific  time at the Jubilee Expo facility on the Jubilee region of the grid. The hypergrid address is DJ Arianna, Dancegroup, and VJ Josina Burgess will host the event at 1Read More →

  AviWorlds has completed its migration to the multi-grid, hypergrid-enabled Gloebit virtual currency. “Gloebits have been working well for us,” AviWorlds CEO Josh Boam told Hypergrid Business. “I notice an improvement with transactions. The grid has sold a good handful of Gloebits from our Gloebits application.” With a local virtualRead More →

Apple’s first entry into virtual reality could be an expensive VR headset with limited AR capabilities, according to a Bloomberg report. “Apple Inc.’s first crack at a headset is designed to be a pricey, niche precursor to a more ambitious augmented reality product that will take longer to develop, accordingRead More →

Wouldn’t it be cool to fence with a real sword in VR? Russian VR studio Boxglass has released Fencer, a VR fencing trainer designed to help new players learn the sport of fencing while using a real fencing weapon. Fencer uses the Oculus Quest headset and controllers attached to aRead More →

Since it first began offering OpenSim hosting in 2011, Kitely has been known for its on-demand regions. The regions are activated when someone teleports in, and put to sleep when they’re not in use. This allowed the company to leverage Amazon cloud hosting and offer high-performance regions at a veryRead More →

OpenSim land area grew the equivalent of 2,270 standard regions and OpenSim grids reported more than 4,000 new registered users this month compared to last month. However, the number of active users dropped by 646. This loss — and then some — could be attributed to Foundation Grid and VirtualRead More →

Darkmoon Breedables is celebrating its one year anniversary as the first horse animesh breedable OpenSim and the first breedable in DigiWorldz. “Breedables” are in-world pets users can breed for a variety of traits. Darkmoon’s low-lag breedable horses can also be trained for racing and riding when they become mature, DarkmoonRead More →

Artificial intelligence is increasingly becoming a part of our daily lives, both in the workplace and at home. Some AI experts are stressing the need to focus on making AI ethical and keeping it human friendly. Bias in programming, security concerns, and a lack of public knowledge about how AIRead More →

Imagine you’re driving to work, get pulled over, and told you’re being arrested for a felony. This happened to Michael Oliver. Last year, he learned that the police had profiled him from one grainy cellphone video that didn’t look like him at all. Fortunately, his case was dismissed but evenRead More →

A new VR glove could be coming that tracks the motion of each finger and thumb bone. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office just published a patent application from Apple for a VR glove made with smart fabric that will be capable of this fine-level motion capture. The glove shouldRead More →

Around 35 percent of businesses plan on implementing virtual or augmented reality technology in 2021 according to a recently published research report by GetApp, involving 700 small and medium business leaders from around the world. According to the new report, small businesses will adopt virtual technologies to respond to newRead More →

Most of us will be stuck at home for New Year’s Eve, but that doesn’t mean we can celebrate at a concert in Iceland — virtually, at least. Iceland has announced Polar Beat, a live and fully virtual New Year’s Eve concert experience, with Northern Lights and fireworks guaranteed. Icelandic techRead More →

You can now join virtual meetings in any location and see avatars of coworkers or friends. The VR and AR collaboration platform Spatial released a free AR app for iOS and Android last week. Instead of using a bulky and expensive VR headset, the platform now works with just aRead More →

No need to socially distance in OpenSim this holiday season. Grids are going all out with hunts, songs, dances and parties. Here are a few places to start and things to do. Shop, party and hunt on Virtual Dream grid The French Virtual Dream grid‘s Christmas market is now openRead More →

More than 5,000 new users signed up on OpenSim grids in the last 30 days, the largest gain in four months. In addition, the public OpenSim grids added the equivalent of 367 standard regions and 548 new active users. Kitely gained the highest number of regions this month with 189Read More →

Tangle grid is closing down its expo series after six years of events. “I want to thank all that have participated and visited us at the Expo over the years,” grid co-founder Leslie Kling told Hypergrid Business. She explained that there wasn’t enough interest to keep the program going. TheRead More →

Update: On Saturday, Gloebit CEO Christopher Colosi told Hypergrid Business that Gloebit is back up. “The website is back up,” he said. “The API service should also be back up, though we are still testing some things and we have a lot of cleanup to do once we know everythingRead More →

  Artificial intelligence is doing some amazing things in 2020. It’s driving our cars. It can create art and music. It’s reading our brain waves and letting us control computers and other devices with our minds. AI will only get better at all these things, and some new developments thatRead More →

Half Life: Alyx is the 2020\’s VR game of the year. If you want to play the game the best way, we’ve put together a guide to the best VR headset for Half Life: Alyx. What is Half Life: Alyx? Half Life: Alyx is a VR game built from theRead More →

2020 has been a challenging year and nobody could be blamed if they were looking for a little reprieve from reality. One outlet that’s gained in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic is virtual reality or VR.Read More →

You can now create apps controlled by a user’s thoughts. Yup, you can operate computers, lights, TVs, music, games with your mind — as long as you’ve got a little lighter-sized device strapped to your head. Neurotechnology startup NextMind is now shipping its 399 Euro development kit for a real-timeRead More →

  Mursion, an immersive VR training platform focused on improving emotional intelligence in the workplace, announced that it closed $20 million in Series B funding led by Leeds Illuminate, a growth equity firm dedicated to partnering with high growth companies in education and workforce development. Mursion uses a combination ofRead More →

Helsinki based Varjo has launched its next generation XR and VR headsets with human-eye resolution for use in industries where high visual accuracy is important, including training and simulation, engineering, research, medical and design. With most of the world working remotely and demand for virtual and mixed reality on theRead More →

GasWorks Blues, the performance club formerly based on the Alternate Metaverse grid, held its first grand opening at the GasWorks region on AviWorlds this week. “It is an opportunity to gain new followers, that perhaps we hadn’t reached previously, and we feel that the Aviworlds grid is well positioned forRead More →

The Hypergrid Hoppers, a club for the explorers of the OpenSim hypergrid, is going to Amerika Monday. That’s a virtual world where the travellers will be able to get a preview of Biennale Amerika Art festival. The trip will begin at the HG Hoppers region of Craft World at 1Read More →

The eighth annual OpenSimulator Community Conference will be held virtually on the OpenSimulator Conference Center grid on December 5 and 6, and registration is now open. The OpenSimulator Community Conference is an annual conference that focuses on the developer and user community surrounding the OpenSimulator software. “2020 is a year inRead More →